Maaan, idk how to feel about this, especially when I'm still angry at that pedo shit with Guiding Hazard. It makes sense that uke's a highschooler because most bullying cases starts there, but why make the seme an older man author-nim?? Can't we also have a highschool psycho killer ML? That'd be fine too right? Just make him 1 year older with a bigger build. Goshdarnit.

Uke was groomed and he was freshly 18 when the bastard ex had a relationship with him. Idk if uke was the one who was dumped by the ex or the other way around, but after that relationship uke refused to be in a relationship with others because of his trauma, and the ex kept doing his disgusting behavior with other freshly 18 dudes. Good thing he's being treated right by the seme now who's a green flag
this is old man fetish porn
I mean it literally is. In real life and in the manhwa (I mean the person who is sponsoring the mc is literally a rich old man). I feel bad for the mc cause damn
i also saw the raws and his porn tape was shipped to his son I'm assuming, sheesh
It was his ex brother in law and yeah everything is just icky
glad it wasn't his son but still icky