GIRL??? How was being neglected and being in a same sex relationship in a small town related??? I was giving you the benefit of the doubt cause maybe you were projecting like, I would've understood it if you liked girls and thought it was abnormal but huh????
I just wanna share my feelings here, cause when the rankings came up I got goosebumps. I was thinking how cool it would be if the rankings changed because J returned, and IT DID HOLY SHIT.
What chapter is it in the novel? The part where he become #1? Idk i have the patience to wait. I atleast need to spoil my self even just a little HAHAHAHABAHA
What chapter is it in the novel? The part where he become #1? Idk i have the patience to wait. I atleast need to spoil my self even just a little HAHAHAHABAHA haru
It's at chapter 27. The world went nuts after that happened
I mean it literally is. In real life and in the manhwa (I mean the person who is sponsoring the mc is literally a rich old man). I feel bad for the mc cause damn
I mean it literally is. In real life and in the manhwa (I mean the person who is sponsoring the mc is literally a rich old man). I feel bad for the mc cause damn asami ryuichi future wife
i also saw the raws and his porn tape was shipped to his son I'm assuming, sheesh
Obsessive Taehyuk era is here