All the ludis defenders need to remember it is a manhuwa and most people read for strong fml I agree that her reactions are completely justified but this this a manhuwa , most want an escape and with the tag being string fml I get where they are coming from with their criticism, both sides have valid points

It IS a manhuwa about an fml. An ABUSED, TRAUMATIZED, and eventually SACRIFICED (it's even in the title) fml. Never was it even implied that she was a conventionally strong fml (she's strong in a different sense that even through her PTSD she has the will to move forward) and anyone going into the story expecting her to get over her trauma, because a big strong handsome man can solve all her problems and being disappointed with her... it's their problem, not the story's. In the end, it's a fairly well-written story about a Mary Sue-ish character struggling through PTSD --- it's not everyone's cup of tea and people shouldn't force themselves to read it SPECIALLY when in the end it's them that get annoyed when the story does not meet their way-off expectations (like, seriously? You're expecting a character to get over her PTSD when the story revolves around it? It's her biggest trait for crying out loud).

And I am not saying no. Her reactions ARE justified and given her experiences I wouldn't expect her to just magically become strong, but you at the very least could try to see where they are coming from. I've seen people being very nasty to the other commenters that are criticizing ludis and I just think that everyone is entitled to their own opnion, how they Express it may be a problem but the replays they get aren't justified at all considering it's a manhuwa and not real, that's all, I never said that she should gain confidence cause a big strong man appeared because honestly he only works under her orders which means she's the one in control in my opnion to me it's kinda like he's an personified version of her powers. I don't really see him as great on his own since he needs ludis in order to work? Idk if that's the right word but yeah that's just my thoughts

Ghorl, if you don't have sympathy for someone with deep rooted trauma even through fiction, then your authenticity as a person can still be questioned. The difference between the two characters is one actually went something horrible majority of their life. People are entitled of their opinion but it becomes wrong and disgusting when they try to invalidate trauma, whether real or not. It questions how empathetic you are. If hypothetical situations aren't as you have said," real," then why the fuck psychologists use hypothetical questions in personality tests? Because they also use fictional situations and characters when knowing about your psyche? So the 'it ain't real' discussion is just appalling. It might not be real to you but the trauma that she went through can be fucking real to people who actually went through it. Just because it happens in fiction especially trauma like this, that doesn't mean it doesn't happen in real life. You're just covering these people's ass and calling invalidation of trauma as a goddamn 'opinion.' Might as well flock with them.

better yet, keep your mouth shut on things you don't know about because you're just trying to uncover a lot of roaches and flies. Because you come off as insensitive and you sound like Donald Trump when he said that neo-nazis are as fine of a people as antifas. If you don't know what's wrong with that comparison, look it up or even if you know, better start self-reflecting because that's gotta be the most tone deaf, insensitive and ignorant skrewed view of opinion. Might as well say, Hitler is a fine person when compared to Jewish people.

I would agree with you that people can be nasty in the comments section (from both sides of the party). And yes, I agree that ML can be viewed as Ludis's inner strength personified, seeing as he fed off of her lifetime's worth of trauma to come forth. HOWEVER, I beg to disagree with "both sides having valid points". I really am trying to see where the other comments are coming from and it's such a dismay that most of them come from not having their expectations of the character fulfilled, and when that happens, it hardly counts as a valid point (at least for me). How could that opinion be not "misguided" when everything is laid out in front of them (Ludis is a person with a festering trauma and little to no sense of self-worth, and this story is about her journey to start loving herself and having confidence in herself) yet they still choose to ignore everything and impose their expectations on the story. That's just like walking into a McDonald's then complaining that "Oh, that fast-food chain was bad lol. Their burger should've been flame grilled and they should've given me wine while waiting. I'm not wrong, just my opinion". I hope this explanation helps shed light as to why a lot of people are irked with the rampant misguided opinions.

That's not immaturity, I am telling you that you don't know anything but you keep on telling shielding people for invalidating trauma. I didn't call you names whatsoever and you being offended by me telling you to keep your mouth shut then keep being offended. It's a much less offense and doesn't signify my maturity at all compared to you being tone deaf and insensitive to people's trauma, whether fiction or not. There's no valid points in both side when you're trying to tell people that invalidating a person's trauma because it isn't real is a valid point. It's insensitive and ignorant. Before you point your fingers at me and telling me, I am immature, try to self-reflect of all the things you said. English isn't my first language either but I still know the difference between what not to invalidate and what to validate, especially as serious as trauma and abuse. I didn't become a psychology major just to see people like you offhandedly downplay trauma because it's fiction or hypothetical. We deal hypothetical and fictional situations to assess them and ourselves in how to handle situations when it comes to mental and emotional health. I get that you don't want people to be angry at you but you're still upsetting people by validating people who invalidates trauma. Sit this one out.

That's all you can say just because you were being called out for being tone deaf and insensitive, while covering for people who invalidate trauma? Yes, sure, man. I am the one who's supposed to grow up. And not you, who thinks it's alright for them to invalidate trauma because it's not real. Right. The projecting is so strong with you that it's laughable.

I'm telling yo to grow up because your passive aggressive behavior towards an anonymous person on the internet is concerning. You do not have to insult me and compare what I said to the liked of Donald Trump simply because what I said offended you in some way, you are heavily driven by emotions and while that may not be a bad thing within itself it is in this case concerning. I advise you to analyze yourself before attempting to do something like this again. The one projecting here is you and not I. So please, grow up. This is the last time im6 replying to you.

I sincerely hope she files for a divorce after he finds out all of this because by then it'll be to late to go anything, he's past redeemable in my opnion.
I hope she tries to kill herself and ends up in his body only to run away leaving him in her body to experience everything shes been though. And I hope while he's in her body the doctor confesses.
And when she finally comes back and they get back into their original bodies she asks for a divorce and hands him papers with her signature already on it.

Honestly yeah he became cute and his backstory is sad but the things he did before cannot be excused and I can't see myself likeing him. The backstory only made me understand his reasoning not forgive him for the nasty stuff he's done and seeing people easily forgiving that kind of thing is sad tbh but yeah good manga I only read for the uke

Honestly yeah he became cute and his backstory is sad hut the things he did before cannot be excused and I can't see myself likening him. The backstory only made me understand his reasoning not forgive him for the nasty stuff he's done and seeing people easily forgiving that kind of thing is sad tbh but yeah good manga I only read for the uke
The black haired mc is getting on my nerves, idk if I'll be able to like him, but I've heard good this about the story so I'll keep reading. Black haird character is frustrating
I think he might be neurodivergent or smth.
when i started reading, i was annoyed at him too, but i slowly realized the kind of person he is, and now i treasure him lol
thats me w the other guy