- ML faking everything. They weren't married in the first place. No legal documents to support this. When ML suddenly dissapear, FL came to know that his name, the company he works for, their neighbors even the doctor who treat FL's retinal disfunction also dissapear. In the house they were living together for two years, actually no neighbors live there. All houses except theirs are vacant. ML bought the entire neighborhood and controlling anyone and anything in radius 200m. Days after ML gone, FL's vision slowly returning. Her eye condition is ML's wrongdoing. He did that so FL would never be able to recognise his face although he concealed his face with silicone mask.
- Got no clue about ML dissapearence from police, FL hiring a private investigator which turned out part of a private military company named BLAST. The girl who help her, named Channa is part of the organization. They finally got a report on her neigbors being all fake. Also from Channa's coworker (her brother in law too) in BLAST, his name Pilgyu, reporting about the posibility that ML is NIS agent, Black Agent to be specific, came to the table. Only top officials in NIS has access to Black Agent true identity. With that information Pilgyu try to persuade her to forget ML, stop looking for him and move forward with her own life. Knowing looking for ML is impossible, FL decided to do the most extremes (commiting international crimes) to stir the plot so ML could come to the surface.
- About Black Agent : ML is indeed the Black Agent. Kim Wooshin aka fake husband of FL. Only two people in the organization know his real face, the hacker (Wonchang) and Deputy Director 1. He played his role as FL's fake husband aka Kim Hyun and that supposed to be his last mission. Soon after the mission is done, he handed his resignation letter to the Deputy Director. This role as a husband was made while gathering information about North Korea's internal & external and killing traitors. Black agents are individuals trained by the state as killing machines. This operation is called the Birdbox operation, lasting 2 years and 6 months. 6 Months of dating and 2 years of marriage with FL.
- FL attempted to fake escape/defection to North Korea by a car. She was caught by the military, handed over to the police. During the interogation she was charged with National Security Act and damaging military facilities. Those charges handed by NIS agent itself. After receiving a phone call from Deputy Director of NIS, the agent released her. She only got fined. But she now know that Deputy Director involved in this, directly.
- Channa gave FL an idea to work at BLAST, again as I've mentioned before, BLAST is a private military company offers security, also a subcontractor of NIS. In short, a company of mercenary. With help from Pilgyu, FL got a job as a maid. At the same time, ML got another mission from NIS to infiltrate BLAST as the leader of Special Security Team. He no longer obligated to conceal his face and faking his name. Soon as they start working at Blast, they met. ML recognized FL from the first they met again. FL still had no idea at all. ML asked Wonchang to keep an eye on her. I saw one comment mentioned that ML ignoring her when they met again because he didn't recognize her. That's a false statement. He know but pretend not to know her before. He know about Channa and Pilgyu too. The chemistry between them soon began to change. From normal and peaceful husband and wife to strangers entangled with something unpredictable, dark and twisted. Soon they departed to Thailand. In this mission Channa got hurt very badly, the assasin slashed her neck. In that dire situation ML helped FL to save Channa's life. This was her first time got involved directly in a mission. The fighting scene was epic tbh. Fought the assasin with one hand while another hand try to save Channa. FL put 4 bullets in assasin's groins and 1 bullet in his neck, the same place Channa got hurt. Aaaaaaaand.....at that moment ML start to realize that same as FL don't know a thing about him, he himself don't know FL's true character at all. Her gaze that now strong and vigilant, her bravery, her crazy determination... He had no idea about it at all. ML usually confident that he knows everything about FL to the point using that knowledge to manipulate her. But now everything he used to know about her began to fade away. He feels like he is facing a new person. After she got hurt on their mission in Thailand, ML showed his concern about her safety (not to her, but us readers LOL) and he even forced her to leave Blast. Just few days after ML treated to cut her off from the job, the CEO from Blast visited FL in hospital. He was genuinely wanted to know who saved Channa. Channa is important asset in BLAST after all, recruited in a such young age (16 y.o), she helped the organization as talented hacker. Actually ML didn't care at all about Channa but wanted to save only FL. The CEO, Chief Kang Taegon knew this. In the conversation with FL, FL asked him to kidnap the Deputy Director to lure ML out. Chief Kang refused to help but he gave her another chance to get involved with BLAST. He sent her an inviation to be a member through recruitment training programe. Chief Kang low key reeling her in. His first impression of her still lingers on his mind.
- ML is the training instructor of new recruitment training program. BLAST want to find a new female agent this time. Before going into the training, she went to her highschool. We got to see about FL's highschool days as gymnastic athlete. She was talented but pretty controversial athlete. She met her senior and her ex-coach. She still had two months before the training set off. In the near future if you ever wondering why she can be so agile yeah it was her gymnastic talent. This was mentioned in the prologue too. This was not something she suddenly mastered. On the opening ceremony, FL and ML met again after 2 months. ML can't believe that FL were in as participant. He, once again, forced her to leave. He ridiculed her feelings for her "husband". The hostility between them existed through the training period. He mocked her determination every chance he got. But not only that, ML defended her as her instructor, gave her a dagger so she can defend herself if the men who made a fuss about her being woman try to harm her.
-- I'll continue in the reply -- I'm pulling out notes on this lmao
2025-01-04 03:17 marked