If she knew she was going to die why did she get so involve with him knowing he liked someone already

didnt she say that she fell in love with him the first time she talked to him at the sidewalk? then she found out he liked someone else. but if you were dying and you knew your time was going to run out u might as well yolo it and fall in love, she knew shed regret it if she didnt

Rather than her getting involved with him knowing she was dying, it's more like she felt she'd be okay dying if it meant being able to get involved with him. Since her disease only grew when she did and she only decided to grow after falling in love and really getting to know him/started living with him. It's a strange catch 22 isn't it?

this is one of the best BL manga I have ever read, I have even read it several times but I still don't like Misaki's character

Really!? Misaki is my favorite character :D

Usami all the way! Not only is he my ideal man I'm also basically a female version of him... well, minus the money that is. :3

Ok I think Misaki is very stupid in some point and for me maaybe a liiiittlee bit annoying, but I love him almost so much like Usagi. He has a very pure Heart and is a very good Human :)

Same here! my fav uke (out of both sih and jr); the kid's got guts :3

What's funny is I really don't consider that Misaki's fault. A normal person would have gotten used to these things after 4 years, the author's just not very good at consistent development.

NOT necessary TRUE....imagine yourself with another male/female if you are heterosexual. It takes a lot of time for adjustments and in this case ...Misaki is hetero which means he has to get use to touching/being touch by another man. It's very tramatizing if you put yourself in their shoes....you may love them but getting your body use to the physical intimacy and letting your mind get use to it is very hard. I think Misaki really does love Usagi but the hetero part of him is what is holding him back. GO try it out and than tell me I am wrong!!!LMAO!!!

I am confused regarding Shinobu, is he Kunimasa & Yonekuni brother or Makio's brother

I found the ultimate chart:

No. In volume 7 or 8 it is confirmed he is Karen's and Makio's father's son. The chart gets updated. I have read both volumes mentioned above

you're right... I found this in french

Hi sorry for the late reply i haven't been on this site in ages. Okay, you can check the most updated chart in volume 8 translated here. I have already bought them. So yeah it got confirmed probably in volume 7. i haven't read it in a while so i am not too sure ^_^

why does the status show completed, Baka updates shows this manga has 3 volumes ???

(︶︿︶)=凸 it's beause the 1st vol has ended but there is vol 2 and don't forget http://www.mangago.zone/read-manga/maou_no_keifu/an/maou-no-keifu-chapter-3.html/42/ was written "to be continued" ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭
I liked this manga and I don't like it, I am happy see ended up with Arata but I don't like how he was the 2nd choice.........