grew up with english, mandarin, and cantonese. eventually took up spanish in middle school and continued it past high school. pretty confident in english and mandarin but conversational in cantonese and spanish. im learning italian and french on the side with some cool apps just to keep myself occupied. in a linguistically diverse world like ours, ...... reply
did it with some guy from my school in the astronomy wing of my high school. didn't know him that well but one thing led to another and we ended up making out for awhile and he tried to move it faster and tried to grab my bottom but i stopped it before it happened and he got the hint. it was ehh with some tongue and over the clothing action but not...... 2 reply
ofc its the only way to get any gratification in a safe controlled environment where you get to explore yourself. tbh there needs to be more talk about this especially from girls and allow growing teens that it's perfectly normal! dont worry too much about and just remember that its all about hormones and you shouldnt feel ashamed or weird about it...... reply