Laahie ♥ created a topic of A Trace of the Wonder

i love this story but did anyone else feel that it was kinda off putting or weird how it didnt even seem like hyeon liked yiseon until the very end of the story? like im not saying he didnt like him cause it was clear he did more for yiseon and all that but all the talk about him "fully controlling" or "having yiseon in the palm of his hands" rlly got me weirded out.. also this isnt rlly important but he quite literally only blushed once this whole series while mc over here is being obvious and all cute every chapter (this isnt hate or nthing im js tryna see if ppl feel the same way or if im not understanding smth)

Laahie ♥ created a topic of Juujika no Rokunin
Laahie ♥ created a topic of Between Us Now

mc needs to grow a fucking backbone bru fym ml basically called him disgusting, let him cry, GHOSTED HIM, and so on js for the mc to have little to no retaliation and just get bitched around and now theyre fucking

Laahie ♥ created a topic of Jungle Juice

these new chapters pissed me tf off im ngl.. how is suchan or wtv his name is who has way more combat experience and power losing to minhee who BARELY turned into a bug?? + she somehow already knows how to use her complex and evolved all in the span of less than a day? esp when the ppl in nest had a whole training arc to get strong like what


Laahie ♥ created a topic of Youchien wars

just give me 5 minutes w him bro

Laahie ♥ created a topic of The Selfish Romance

IM SO PISSED OFFF YUMIN MEETING WITH HER BUMASS EX HAS MY BLOOD BOILING i love yumin and hyundo though im praying none of their exes do nothing

Laahie ♥ created a topic of Pink to Habanero

ts pissing me off he aint doing shit n shes just forgiving him

Laahie ♥ created a topic of Juujika no Rokunin

the author lowkey dragging this on, there's so much shit going on and it's kinda boring now.. it had hella potential too

idk if yall feel this way but ts getting a lil toxic.. with the noncon n everything after and i get its cause of their trauma but man

lowkey feel bad for the dude he aint even know whats going on communication is key gang

Laahie ♥ like the answer
Honestly, start by discussing this with your best friend seriously. Letting him know how you feel about her will let you two work out how it will move forward. If he no longer has an attachment to her, and if he wishes to support you as a friend should, than I’m sure things will work out. It’s better to be open about it now and strike while the......
Laahie ♥ created a topic of Fake Slackers

I'm not sure but I think the manhua was dropped from what I've seen, I really liked this its such a shame ╥﹏╥

Laahie ♥ created a topic of Sesame and Rice Cake

I remember reading this during quarantine omg

Idk suo's tattoo just looks so outta place. It bothers me whilst they have sex n this seems a bit rushed just saying

Laahie ♥ like the answer
Yea I'm officially deleting my mangago acc...
Laahie ♥ created a topic of Jungle Juice