i love this story but did anyone else feel that it was kinda off putting or weird how it didnt even seem like hyeon liked yiseon until the very end of the story? like im not saying he didnt like him cause it was clear he did more for yiseon and all that but all the talk about him "fully controlling" or "having yiseon in the palm of his hands" rlly got me weirded out.. also this isnt rlly important but he quite literally only blushed once this whole series while mc over here is being obvious and all cute every chapter (this isnt hate or nthing im js tryna see if ppl feel the same way or if im not understanding smth)

I dont think your observation is incorrect, but I think that was kinda the point? I think Hyeon didn't understand what he felt for Yiseon until he was about to lose him. I think he thought he was being suave and manipulative to only get exactly what he wanted, without realising that he had fallen for Yiseon. We see this the most after the poisoning fiasco. He even states that he doesn't actually need Yiseon to complete the last dungeon but he still went through with letting go of his plans to take the guild from his brother, to save him. He was annoyed that he couldn't understand Yiseon and thought having him under his control was enough...until he almost lost him.
I hope that makes sense?
Do I think its good? No, it's toxic as hell and i kinda wish we'd get extra chapters that would delve into Hyeon a but more, to show that he finally understands Yiseon's trauma after he himself was traumatised... but who knows what we'll get, if anything.

these new chapters pissed me tf off im ngl.. how is suchan or wtv his name is who has way more combat experience and power losing to minhee who BARELY turned into a bug?? + she somehow already knows how to use her complex and evolved all in the span of less than a day? esp when the ppl in nest had a whole training arc to get strong like what
holy fuck his neck is big