crunchysocc answered question about question
tbh yeah it's a pretty constant feeling for me, like even if I apparently might be fitting in I keep having a feeling that I'm completely inadequate so eventually I end up self isolating
crunchysocc answered question about watch anime
4-5 hours, been trying to sleep at least 7 lately though cause I can't function with few hours of sleep at all so I'm working on my schedule
crunchysocc answered question about question
-when I'm home and I'm bored I start walking back and forth in the house doing the weirdest walks ever, or walk in circles around a forniture until I get tired and go back to my room -go out alone when it's dark and take a stroll in my town while having videogame town music in my headphones and pretend I'm just an NPC with a meaningless happy life......
crunchysocc answered question about question
no actually why is this so true, goes for women as well glasses are just simply superior
crunchysocc created a topic of Night Song

fuck this author has such good art

crunchysocc answered question about question
called my brother piece of shit once out of anger when I was 9 and my whole family made sure I'd regret that forever so now I'm just scared to let the wrong words out when I am angry I'd rather just go silent and talk abt things later
crunchysocc answered question about my childhood
The night garden for sure
crunchysocc created a topic of Wet Sand

happy this is back but I forgot what it is about just sticking cause of the good art

crunchysocc answered question about have a wild imagination
I used to know this precious old man at my moms old job and I would go there with her as a kid, first time he saw me we talked together and he liked me so much he started to secretly make me take his savings and a lucky charm his sister gave him years back (which I still have it with me hidden) He was simply such a pure and kind person that I loved......
crunchysocc answered question about question
here's a few pics I've taken that I like also stray puppies:)
crunchysocc like the answer
was a professional photographer and now I work in a completely different field and have lost my faith in the government. don't follow your dreams kids Im feeling so nostalgic looking thru my old work so here's more when i shot for the Juno's/a City & Colour concert ETA: ok saw ppl cat posting too so here's my child in a wig
crunchysocc followed question about question

I want something relaxing please drop your best photography please

08 02,2024
crunchysocc created a topic of The Boy And The Wolf

every interaction they have is literally so precious

crunchysocc created a topic of Rix Vanus

no way I got sad over a blob WHY DID IT HAVE TO GO TOO CHU WAS TOO CUTE

crunchysocc answered question about i'm looking for friends
Definetly houseki no kuni, I'd sell my soul to read this again for the first time
crunchysocc like the answer
crunchysocc followed question about confused bout my crush

Yeah, let's for a change drop manga/manhwa/manhua/books that so deeply affected you that you couldn't forget it for days or weeks or even months. And yk I have to do this, but if any of you are interested y'all are free to join us at BLACKOUT as well. No one is being forced to join, and you can even ignore this part and focus on the first part of......

01 02,2024
crunchysocc created a topic of Dead or alive