crunchysocc followed question about lmao

Give me some disturbing facts that you learned because I feel like getting traumatized today (will regret later)

22 05,2024
crunchysocc answered question about read 1000 manga or more
I might be biased on this but i absolutely LOVE when authors know how to use negative spaces and use panels in an efficient manner to convey things. I havent seen many mangas who do this, so far ive seen that the girl from the other side and hnk authors have done it nicely Also gotta say Goodnight pun pun has crazy art too, and the whole way th......
crunchysocc answered question about going to concerts
Had this biology teacher in highschool, used to be my favorite and i was his favorite student too because i was the best on his subject. One day tho i dont know what happened but he decided to pick me (I was literally one of the most timid people in our class and he knew this. ) to improvise presenting to the class a PowerPoint presentation made by......
crunchysocc answered question about lmao
dreamt about my city getting atomic bombed and radiation hit me so hard that i first became a puddle but then i somehow muted into a hideous and unrecognizable... thing. Same happened to some other people in my city and we decided to keep on living in underground tunnels forever because the sun made excruciating pain worse and we were unable to die......
crunchysocc answered question about question
lovee the character design concept sm
crunchysocc answered question about dating
prettiest ml i know
crunchysocc created a topic of Lost in the Cloud
crunchysocc followed question about question

I'm a freelancer and I don't go to school I spend most of my days at home and I don't have any outdoor hobbies Are we just supposed to stick to our old friends? How do y'all do it? I haven't tried to make any friends since before COVID started and I've forgotten how I'm supposed to do it

16 05,2024
crunchysocc asked question about question

Im kinda bored so I'm asking this Mine is probably my dating history, what about you

crunchysocc created a topic of Distorted Soul

plot is crazy af and both main characters are problematic, but art and storytelling is done so well, it is probably going to make me cry a lot

crunchysocc followed question about question

Okay okay okay i know i should already know or something but i just realized that the exams i have this week are gonna be like last ones that don’t really matter that much ? If that makes sense lol So plssss tell for the future me how to study to get on with this stupid ass school :D (I never study lmao)

13 05,2024
crunchysocc answered question about question
this year sucked so hard but can't deny my favorite was Ireland, found Bambie thug to be quite an inspiration to me plus they're literally gorgeous, i am obsessed with how they executed the performance
crunchysocc answered question about sky children of light
omgg been a sky cotl player since two years now i love it sm but sadly have been too busy with uni projects to play lately
crunchysocc like the answer
[SPOILERS] They All Died Screaming is an apocalyptic slasher horror book written from two perspectives: during a deadly pandemic and a boy who is adopted by a serial kidnapper who *a*pes his "swine." There is a twist in the end that absolutely sickened me. Things have gotten worse since we last spoke is a lesbian 'meet-cute' that goes terribly wr......