don't be shy jooin, bite his dick off
Omg I cried kkkkkkk
ew dont go anywhere near that thing
yahwi i will fucking spray yo bold ass head with gorilla glue so that fuxking brain of yours stick on your head bitch arrgghhh %&%@$#
yahwi : i like you
yahwi : damn bro he's leavin me i guess imma play victim and say i like him so he stayed lol
yahwi how tf ur dick bigger than yo brain , wake tf up
jooin was so fucking done lmaooooo
kay now the bar is very fucking low for you yahwi
you should've done that from the start man.. #yahwiisoverparty
felix ur wallet is fucking loaded but how the fuck that brain still empty girl load it up
felix are you fucking kidding me... how that fucking brain ain't proceeding
don't be shy jooin, bite his dick off
Omg I cried kkkkkkk
ew dont go anywhere near that thing