This bl got me laughing so hard almost every chapter, I haven't experienced that in a while for a bl manhwa. In the recent epilogue, I couldn't stop laughing, I'm sorry but him forgetting to change underwear was the funniest thing, like he's just sitting there like nothings wrong. My sense of humour is kinda of broken, I think I need help.

Overall, I've enjoyed reading this, but CAN YU IJIN PLEASE GET A BREAK??? HE JUST WANTS TO LIVE A NORMAL LIFE !!!
Once something finishes, another one starts and I swear this guys never fully heals from his previous fights either.
Like, can we have some more chapters with him, his family and his friends. Like the only time we really saw his family with him was when they were eating or he was walking with dayun (can't remember if it was dayun or dahyun or dayeon), give us a beach episode or something.

I really love manga and I love how the children aren't all the same. I've seen children like Minato a lot, one of the reason children are like is probably because they want attention. I think seeing the consequences of his own actions is something he can take and learn from.
I'm not a middle child but rather the oldest and I was always angry as a child. Then I'd see my parents struggling with and all the adult responsibilities you could take, I felt guilty and decided I should be more understanding and not get angry as much.
Honestly, from what I see the way Naoto and Hazuki raising the children, there's not much I could say other than they're doing really well. Some parents, well my parents as well, won't even take any sort of accountability for any mistake their children makes. For example, if my younger sibling did what Minato did and got my mum/dad hurt, I'd be severely scolded and worse would have gotten hit several times with curse words thrown at me every second. The way Hazuki handled the situation was honestly really good, although he shouted he still felt guilty.
Not once have I ever seen or felt a single parent around me ever feel guilty for shouting at their child.
[The next part is just me yapping]
[Trigger warning: su*cide, stabbing]
I asked my mum about her or my dad or my grandparents hitting me as a child. She said she did it because she loved me and immediately I was like "how does that mean you love me? I've never felt like you loved me." She was shocked and I was shocked because she truly belived that, that love of hers was conveyed to me properly like that. On top of that, before she said that part, she said she doesn't remember ever hitting me, at first I was like am I being gaslit? Then are these memories of mine fake? I was hit with a hanger, a belt, slippers and my grandparents had this medium sized 1inch thick wooden plank. I even remember my mum stabbing my brother on the leg with a fork and I think he still has marks from that.
The first time she realised that I was struggling and was mentally and emotionally tired was when I was 16/17, after she had a fight with my dad (they had been fighting a lot for quite a while before that), at that point I had such a hard time trying to keep them from fighting. As the oldest sibling it felt like I was supposed to be responsible for my siblings (my brother is a year younger so not so much him but my younger sisters are at least 10 years younger), and I didn't want them fighting in front of them. I tried to talk to my mum about it and she didn't care, and that when all the feelings I had bottled up for so long just burst out. I started crying uncontrollably and I told her I've been wanting to kill myself for so long and had attempted before. She hugged me and said she didn't know I felt like that, but she's never asked how I was doing, EVER.
To be honest, I don't think I'll ever heal properly but I think that's ok, the only downside is that I'll probably never be able to trust anyone properly anymore. Love is also something I don't think I'll be able to do, who knows though maybe I'll find someone one day.
Sorry for writing a lot, I've never been vulnerable enough to anyone to say this and I guess I just needed somewhere to put it and decided to do it. Thank you for reading it <3.

Hi, just wanted to let you know that I completely understand you.
My mum denies ever being even a tiny bit harsh towards me (I'm also the eldest child), when she'd come at me for every inconvenience and trouble my younger siblings caused. I feel like that's how it is for many parents, they simple don't "remember". They say the most painful things to you and when you approach them about it, they won't remember having ever said anything. We'll spend all our lives hearing those cruel words echo in our heads, but for them its nothing at all.
And because I have no proper inspiration to draw from on how to be a good mother/parent, I fear I can never become one. I don't trust myself, yknow?
I'm sorry you had to go through all that bs. I wish for you to be okay, one day

i hope you’re doing better now :(
can’t imagine what it feels like when someone treats you so terribly and it doesn’t even weigh on their conscience, while you have to live with the trauma of it all.
but itself a testament to your strength and character that you came out of it all still an empathetic person (although you shouldn’t have to), and i hope you find peace and happiness :)
if you really want kids, i highly suggest doing targeted therapy as well as classes for it, i’m sure you’ll do well <3

I totally agree and also wanna give you lots of hugs because what you lived through is absolutely not okay.
I was a bad child and my parents would often scold me and hit me, but not as bad as your mom.
Enough however that I still distinctly remember saying as a child I liked my mom more because she would only slap me on the cheek while my dad would do it on my butt which I truly hated because it hurt a lot and I also felt it was humiliating even as a child. But for me it always stayed in the realm of what’s « normal » (even tho I still remember it bitterly)
However my dad kept on hitting me even while I was more grown up as a way of discipline, only stopped when I punched him back. Only time he actually apologized to me and since then he never touched me. I however remember this day deeply because it was extremely violent. It happened right in front of my mom. She doesn’t remember somehow.
Even now, sometimes she says hurtful thing and then just forget about it.
Parents have a very selective memory ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭
Anyway TL:TR I really feel for you.
I understand the scars, although probably not as deeply. Personally I still have some problems due to the issues in my family (more things that just the hitting part), but I did manage to heal a bit and also I think growing a bit closer with my parents with some try at understanding and forgiving. Well, for my dad it’s complicated, but with my mom we did manage to talk.
Without talking about having a better relationship with your family because it’s your rights not to, or sometimes it’s just not possible, I do hope you will be able to heal some with the years.

Thank you for your kind comment and I hope things will get/are better for you. I also somewhat feel the same about having kids, I actually like children and right now I'm doing psychology in hopes of getting into a job where I'll be around children. For now, I'm aiming to go into education for children who have autism because of my sister who has autism.
I love children, but when thinking about having kids, I just don't know if I'd be a good mum. I guess I could be since I have experience with my siblings, I was practically a second mother to them in a way. But I'm also afraid I'd turn out the same way as my mum.
Another thing is, I don't want to give birth, anyone else have the same fear?? I see people talking about giving birth or being pregnant all the time on Instagram and how painful it is for them. If I have the courage to want kids one day I'd probably try and adopt instead.
I'm so proud of Ian, he's changing, I couldn't be more happy for him. I don't think his mum would take it well hearing from her son to stop bragging about him or talking about him everywhere she goes. But, hopefully she realises that she is in the wrong and she should have considered Ian's feeling about it. I don't think it's wrong to brag about your children but too much of it and it just seems like you're showing off plus it makes it seem like she's above everybody else.