tbh she annoyed me for some reason... but still reading

I think it's because her character is too inconsistent and therefore her reactions to everything around her is almost inappropriate. There are so many plot holes in the story just glossed over. It got weirder how the author retconned everything in the beginning like a giant "just kidding X and Y didn't happen because of what you thought! It was actually because of W! ok boys and girls get ready to do a 180 to how the story was originally going :D"
She hasn't actually done anything for the story, she's currently just acting like a bystander being carried around by those around her. Even with this newest character who's a Deus Ex Jin fellow who couldn't be any more convenient or appropriate for what she needs.
Because so many characters were introduced but also absolutely pushed to the side lines, the only two people that currently exist in the world is Adele and the Duke. This whole time they've just been reacting to each other and like I said, they're just too inconsistent. The author is just writing anything that's convenient.
Like in the beginning, yes she's gone back through time and all of a sudden has a moment of clarity given her situation but even after scolding Bella she doesn't actually stand up for herself. One moment she's taking hits from her mother and the next she's suddenly able to find the right words to defend herself and block her hand? She's had three extra years of experience of how to handle her family but still steps back and takes the abuse even though it had some sort of lead up like she had a "plan" to get away but none of that happens.
She is both too timid to speak her mind but also in other situations bold enough to say whatever she wants? Even though she's intimidated by the presence of her family, she's willing to openly tease the Duke in informal conversation around them too.
Not to mention the duke was introduced to be some mysterious and strong character but melts the moment they make eye contact, and in public too like at the award ceremony. Everyone notices that it's weird and out of character, even Adele and the duke himself but it's somehow not substantial enough to be brought back up again. The reader is just suppose to accept that this is who he is even though the FL has done nothing to deserve it. "Here's a tassel now die for me" while he's all "YAS I will because you comfy, by the way here's some life changing information I could've told you whenever"
Some plot holes that she/others react inappropriately to:
- Adele slaps her maid, someone she couldn't even defy before but no substantial plot point has been made about it even though it was teased like Bella had a meeting with her father about it and he brought it up in conversation.
-The father does not give two fucks about how she treats him (call him father or try to get his attention) because he obviously just wants her out of the way but also on a leash but there's that weird scene when he sits with her in the carriage like he's gonna care but nope.
-No one cares, like at all, that she's slapped around and bruised. Sure there was a scene or two when Hexion brought it up, but nothing happens and the parents don't pretend to be embarrassed or deny it.
-Her father constantly intimidates her by saying she must "act her part" or "know her place" but so far we don't even know what that's suppose to mean. She seems to say whatever she wants to the other noble ladies according to the two scenes that she has even been around them, and hasn't been reprimanded. If it's related to the ten year old engagement, I don't see why they have any reason to be annoyed about her spending time with Hexion [unless the author just wrote that in later and didn't care to edit the earlier parts *cough* *cough*]
-She's chased into the woods by people in cloaks but forgets about them 5 seconds later and doesn't even tell Hexion or anyone else about them. She conveniently isn't scared for her life anymore and isn't curious about who they are.
-Hexion notices the cloaked people in later chapters but also doesn't do anything about them or say anything (yet)
-Why she doesn't pull a "Tia" from "The Villainess Lives Twice" and move in with him to get out of her current house is beyond me. Especially since the original goal was to run away. Here's her golden ticket but she rejects it so the author can keep putting in light hearted "romance"
- Blah blah blah in short it's because she has little character development and any sort of adversity or struggle that she momentarily encounters is solved too quickly and most often by someone else and doesn't amount to anything. But a lot of it is because of weak writing more than anything else.
he’s getting on my nerv in a ahhh ahhh way hmmm hmmm (︶︿︶)=凸