Im just gonna go
Heine x The King
Eins x Ernst
Brunie? Bruno? x the doctor whose name i cannot remember nor spell nor pronounce
Licht? simple. x Felix, the cafe master
Kai x Beatrix (under a few circumstances I will also ship Kai x Elmer)
Leonhard? x ..lol idk, ya'll this poor kid, pls ship him with someone or he'll cry

Seriously? I mean here in our community I think the people are the most accepting about you..this was just for fun and it was funny. And I do not go around saying these things to just anyone since even my family think I am an alien since I read bl even tought I say I am straight( my mom is always on alert to notice if I turn lesbian lol). Homophobia increases because gay people have the pride and other festivals, they sue movies if they do not have gay characters and want so much attention that goes over a certain limit what others can accept. In my country they wanted to give children in kindergarden a book wich is about equality wich was not bad, but hard to accept for the mass. And it ended up being made fun of and mocked by a politican.
I am not attacking but this is just a small community compared to the population of the world, and those who do not read manga will never come here. Most probably they will hate gays more if they see the pride in tv or have bad experience with them, than if they read a comment like this here. I have gay friens and homophobic friends as well. And I am not disciminating.
My gay acquaintance also hates pride since he says it just have the opposite effect on the people and just makes others hate them more.
From my homophobic friends I only ever heard that they hate them because they advertise themselves too much, and fight for their rights as furiously as extreme feminists.
Another had a gay teacher who was a shit head as a person and tried to make every student gay and stole money and recognition from another teacher, so he started to hate them. So I think it is more likely that they will hate gays if they have a bad experience with them than what we wrote.
If there are no ships than there would not be so many so good dj-s. Every dj has started from ships, they became real works because the manga was more popular. If anyone will hate you because comments like these then I really pity those since they take a funny comment so seriously. Sorry this became long. Love and peace and chill out a bit. No one wanted to make others hate you.

Sis/Bro can you just chill? They were just playing around and having fun shipping FICTIONAL CHARACTERS. If it was shipping real life people, regardless of their gender or sexual orientation, then of course it’s not right because of how damaging it can be to actual relationships. Also, you can’t blame them... It’s not like there are lots of recurring female characters. The most notable females have the characterizations of fiancé, little sister, and elder. I sure hope you don’t prefer having a fetish for adultery or incest.
Also, there are many reasons for why people would have homophobia. Blaming one specific type of people for increasing a widespread issue is statistically incorrect.
You also can’t assume that someone who ships fictional characters would ship actual real life people. You’re implying that they can’t separate fiction from reality. That’s just wrongfully treating them as people without morals and values, not giving them even the most basic amount of respect.
It’s because of bigots like you who talk down to others with exaggerated claims that people get misinformed. It would’ve been better if you had worded your message more respectfully and less condescendingly.
I don’t care if you’re gay, straight, lesbian, pan, ace, whatever. You really don’t leave a good impression, and I would happily dislike you and avoid you. Not because of your sexual orientation, but because you sound like a terrible person.

Hey ya'll, i was searching for the raws the korean one, not the novel, and it seems that
Emel will leave house Castielo and becomes Princess Iris' personal bodyguard of some sore. Yes, the Princess is a b!tch :)

Emel left castielo and personally become Iris' personal guard,
Estelle met with another man, the one who soaked his face in the fountain lol. I read the raws and, he seems to like her alot. So if Emel is with Iris, and saw Estelle happily laughing with the fountain man, he'll be jealous as FK and im just gonna be laughing like
serves you right b!tch

i went to this comment section.. and saw these comments. I went to read chapter 1. But the farther i scroll down, the more my head went SHOULDIREADITORNOTSHOULDIREATITORNOTSHOULDIREADITORNOTITSGONNASOBADBUTIWANNAREADITBUTATTHESAMETIMEIDONTWANTTO

You should. It's a good manga down to the end. The heroine is a serious and strong and woman.
There is nothing wrong in staying at home and doing chorus. Based on the world where it is based at, it is actually common.
Besides, most women do work in this world as well. Matilda (the middle aged lady at the start) works painting clothes and such.
"the joy of being protected by a man". What young child have never had that dream? Of a prince in a white horse. I believe Matilda said that mostly because she assumed the heroine went through hardships as a woman and to not give up on it regardless.
If anything, I see this manga as an example than women, even in an ambient that is harsh for them, can go through with it.
Don't mind these comments about sexism.
I do recommend it (⌒▽⌒)

She lied. She covered it up, to be specific. She had a hard time in Japan looking for a job, both for being passive but also kind to a fault and for being a woman.
Scared, she pretended to be a man.
And yet, she does things that normally people wouldn't do nonetheless; even though she doesn't have the strength, she tries to protect others.
I think we should look at her with kind and calm eyes (⌒▽⌒)
I also want to vow