2021-02-08 21:57 marked

Top pick as the ML? That would be Chunyooung, the model guy and human AC. I really love them together.
My top 2 pick as the ML? That would beeeeee *drum rolls please* Yeodaaaan! (Yeoryong's [the girl bestfriend] brother) He doesn't get enouuuuugh screentimeee, but whenever he's in the same frame with Dan-i, I feel like the atmosphere becomes soooo full of moe~ they have chemistry, I tell you. (At least in my eyes they look good together uwu)
Favorite character? The love interest aside, I'll say Ju-in. He's the orange-head bubbly cute guy who keeps on calling Dan-i "Mom". He's the cutest.
Favorite part??? Well there's a lot. But the first thing that popped in my mind is the part where they watched their old videos together. It also showed the clear and distinct development of the characters as well as the relationship among them.
The guy I want for myself? Uhmm. Let's see. That's tough. But I'd want Eunhyung (the red-haired guy) for myself. He's a straight A's student, knows martial art, athletic, and hella has a huge domestic-type aura around him. He cooks and takes care of them. uwu i'd do anything for a guy like that.
Thoughts on Dan-i? I say she's the only sane person there. Hahaha! But nah, kidding aside, I think she's pretty strong, loyal, and selfless in some ways. You know it's hard, to be attached but remain unattached to people. It's hard to be close to people but also remain distant to save yourself and those other people. She feels relatable because her insecurities, fears, and worries were clearly shown. And the circumstances she's in (those slightly farfetched) is very relatable: are they friends with me because they like or just because they have no choice?
I like how this novel is delving into the depth of their friendship. I say the author should keep it up and I dare say it won't even be a loss if Dan-i doesn't end up with anyone.
Inso's Law is really interesting. Honestly. It's a good read. I can safely say it definitely made its way to my top favorites.
*End of my rambling*
2021-02-03 11:53 marked
Wow... N now I declare, The Super Fantastic Psychopath Award belongs to.......