y’all 5 more chapters to gooooo

oh i actually don’t know the raws are only released to chapter 92, https://tkor.cam/러브-오어-헤이트

just started this doesn’t look too promising honestly, should i continue ??

lol at all these people wanting some kind of deep story with their porn. look this is fap material ok. it doesnt even try to pretend its not there is like a sex scene in almost every single chpt. do u like big buff subs? do u like a "reverse" harem? do u like femdoms? do u love pegging? if u said yes to any or all of the above, this story is worth ur time. and u can do fine just enjoying the imagery tbh lol. the story is there rly to set up each sex scene and their dynamic with Yeeun the dom. its not a plotty story and how character driven it is is also up for debate. i like it. i gave it 3 stars. so basically a solid B. nothing great but nothing bad either imo. but ymmv.

I read until chapter 36 and dropped it because the woman is fucking abusive and a rapist. She doesn’t have conversations about limits or safe words with her subs and when they say no or stop she DOESNT. She uses sex to intimidate people WHO HAVE NO CONSENTED TO WHAT SHE IS DOING. She is abusive and manipulate. If a man was doing this/ written doing this it would be a HARD miss.

First off, generally you'd assume that she'd converse about limits and safe words behind the scenes as it's clear that she knows what she's doing as seen in the time where she taught BDSM to Dowon. There has been no scene where she uses sex to intimidate people and often, it's the guys who initiate. The men are emotionally abusive and manipulative and you're simply not seeing it because the MC is a woman. If she was a man, you would see no problem with her but due to internalised misogyny she's getting hate that doesn't even make logical sense. Look at all the nsfw josei mangas that feature a male-led relationship. There's a lot of non-con and the readers don't bat an eye. Look at Killing Stalking. Sangwoo is idolised by a great portion of the fanbase despite being controversial for the simple fact that he is a good looking male. We are often told that women get the long end of the stick but in current day society, that is simply not true. Male villains are idolised while their female equivalent are seen in a negative light by female fans. Men get away with so many things that a woman doing the exact same thing would not get away with. If a man was doing this the reception amongst female fans would be far more positive.

First off. She did try to intimidate the second twin with sex what are you talking about??? She literally said ‘hopeful that scared him maybe he’ll leave me alone now!’ Secondly no I would not assume she had conversations about limits or safe words if it is not involved in the comic. She just goes right for it with both of the twins without any conversation. They are both new to BDSM and she hops right into without a single conversation about these things. Maybe she talked about it with Chulsoo before the comic started. But no. Her trying to intimidate Dorim with BDSM and not listening to either of the twins when they said stop is rape. And don’t try to pull this internalized misogyny with me. A feminist is someone who believes the sexs are equal. So nice try, your talking to someone with a gender studies minor.

You might as well throw your gender studies degree out of the window with the way your internalised misogyny is showing up (once again). The second twin initiated the scene and bears responsibility due to the continuous giving of consent. Not once has he pushed her away and said 'no' in that scene, with all panels emphasising how he is enjoying what is happening. None of the twins told her to stop, especially since the older one lied that he was the one she used the toy on to manipulate her into having sex with him. You obviously aren't doing very well in your "gender studies course" if you claim to be a feminist but are quick to judge women via a different standard to how you judge men. Most, if not all of the men have tried to manipulate her some way or another and that's on you if you can't see it because you're too busy villainising the female character. If you truly are against toxic characters then you should re-evaluate your position and realise that alot of these men are either being entitled and projecting their desires onto her without her consent, using lies and manipulation to achieve sex, or emotionally damaging her and affecting her professional and emotional life. I would say that the FL shows symptoms of emotional trauma due to being conflict-averse and being deficient in the ability to resolve conflict and put her foot down when it really comes to the protection of her personal interests. It's been established that her strained relationship with her parents have taken a huge toll on her self esteem and mental health, along with her turbulent past in dating. However, this does not mean that she is toxic or manipulative, but rather, emotionally hurt and struggling to overcome past obstacles. You stated that you dropped the comic around chapter 30 so obviously your memory wouldn't be exactly fresh. (Also, why are you lurking on chat forums at a time when the most recent chapter is ~90 bruh, but I digress.)

1. Lack of ‘no’ does not mean yes.
2. They literally both say “no stop” during sex. But okay.
3. I’m not even going to bother reading everything you have said because you telling me I have internalized misogyny is a joke and absolutely false.
4. I never said the men weren’t toxic but you have to put blame on everyone where it is due and it falls on both the men and her.
5. Being a Dom or not being emotional together isn’t an excuse to be abusive. Period. If you can’t handle your own emotional baggage you need to sort that out by yourself instead of engaging in BDSM. Being upset with the lack of control you have in your own life and engaging in BDSM as a Dom to make yourself fee powerful does not create a good Dom.
As someone who is a survivor of rape, has engaged in BDSM play as a sub, and has a degree in gender studies I’m telling you straight up I am more qualified to talk about any of this than you are. She had no excuse to act the way she does. Neither do the men in her life. That’s all I’m going to say on this manner. The fact that you can’t acknowledge abusive behavior because she is a woman shows how toxic your ideology is.

Look, I'm not going to read what else you said because a degree in something as biased as gender studies is useless. Also, backtracking much?
1. My original comment was that the men are toxic.
2. Your reply was, "don't you mean the female lead?" Not "the female lead is toxic too", but "don't you mean the female lead." Your response directly implies that only the female lead is toxic and the men aren't. Now you're backtracking after you get called out for judging women harsher than men.
3. If you don't think emotional trauma is a factor in someone's behaviour, then I don't know what to say to you. Doms aren't responsible for the sub's wellbeing. The sub is responsible for themselves and vice versa. Subs are actually the ones who hold power in the relationship by granting doms permission to make them submit and this is further emphasised in mangas where the sub is physically stronger than the dom.
4. Your experience means nothing because this is the internet, which means anything you claim is contestable. You could be an underachieving 8th grader for all we know.
ok um i don’t see how you can date someone you used to babysit but do you boo