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cloud9 October 23, 2023 11:06 am

Backstory smack story. As long as the author addresses that Ian is essentially a replacement im good. But If this story doesn't address and resolve this I will freak out. Just cos he's a reincarnation of someone doesn't mean they are the same person. Also the very thought that ML would've never even bothered to help Ian if he wasn't some dragon knight reincarnation is heartbreaking. I honestly hope Ian doesn't inherit the memories. I want him to stay himself, not become a whole different person so that ML can get his old lover back. ML can either move on from Brian and love Ian for Ian or he can F off. Old reptilian ass. IM SICK OF HIM

    Luffyttaro October 23, 2023 12:53 pm

    Finally!! Someone who thinks the same as me!!
    Thank u for saying that
    I too hope Ian shd stay the way he is and not change just to replace sol's old lover

    Leesunbae October 23, 2023 12:59 pm

    Reptilian ass lmao

    auroroa October 23, 2023 3:28 pm


    EHH A LA VERGA April 2, 2024 1:45 am

    Right (/TДT)/ (/TДT)/
    Whats the point of giving Ian his own will and personality if they're just going to trash it and replace it, it's a literal nightmare horror scenario, you live your entire life trying to be free only to get your body taken away from you by some dead person, that's literally the plot of the insidious movies

cloud9 June 5, 2021 11:04 pm

….. bros…. people r just trynna help the translator group out cos they said the author threatened legal action or something. Now whether its true or not, none of us know but someone asked for help so its absolutely understandable that people would try and HELP. Like damn bro u guys sound like u have no empathy, why u hating on people who are just trying to do what they think is the right thing.

Also why u guys trynna make it an ethical dilemma? ITS NOT THAT DEEP
U make it sound like reading shit on an illegal website means u can’t go and try to help people. Like damnnn guess I can’t donate to charities from now on cos I be on this website everyday so therefore I’m definitely morally corrupt.

    Toriv June 6, 2021 8:22 am

    Honestly!! I never understood much about uploads I just read on here but now I’ve learned what the translators have to deal with for us to get to enjoy English translations in their discord’s

    LeeRC3 June 6, 2021 3:56 pm
    Honestly!! I never understood much about uploads I just read on here but now I’ve learned what the translators have to deal with for us to get to enjoy English translations in their discord’s Toriv

    Honestly these people are just ungrateful. Original scan team puts hours of hard work into translating this work and tries to respect the author’s wishes by stopping at volume 2 and everyone starts attacking them. Even if the author actually hasn’t said this, the least mangago could do is to stop uploading the old scan team’s work with their names on it. People can continue to upload just don’t get the old team in trouble.

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