For me, it's my skinny body, and I feel horrible for saying it because then I feel ungrateful because there are people out there literally starving themselves, also my nose I have a hump but still, i hate myself for having insecurities because people have it way worse than me, and then I feel like I'm bitching , but i also hope that you learn to lo......
i mean, i guess their tastes changed lately or they discovered good anime and manga, but i wouldn't hold it against them. Perhaps they just had a weird perception on what manga and anime was at the time.
I was bullied in middle school/beginning of high school for watching anime and reading manga. It used to bother me a lot and I even stepped away from the anime community during my high school years as an attempt to fit in. Once I went to college I finally felt more comfortable getting back into anime/manga and am now never shy to talk about it with......
biggest insecurity???