I actually like Su-won's character. He's an anti-villain, meaning that yes, he's the antagonist, but he's intelligent, he has a purpose, and a philosophy. We know he doesn't want the throne for himself, he just wants to strengthen Kouka's kingdom. I love the clashing of ideals between him, King Il's and Yona's. I love Yona's development the most. I love seeing the undeniable bond between her, Hak and Su-won. I love seeing how each character deals with their own burdens. These are very very well written characters, don't reduce them to "go to fucking hell Su-won you fucking murderer GO YONA GO YOU ROCK GIRL". This characters are anything but flat.

Well for me I still dislike Soo-won just for how he pretty much shattered Yona's and Hak's hearts in the beginning, it's like Ougi said I can understand why Soo-won did the things he did and I believe he will be a king that can protect and strengthen Kouka, but I can't forgive him for betraying them like that. So yeah this story really tugs at my heartstrings. Especially how devastated Hak was when he met Soo-won again. You can tell how much they both loved Soo-won and how deep the scar he left them with is. They really are well written characters and that is why this manga invokes all these feelings from readers. I actually don't want Soo-won to die I'd rather him live a long life ruling Kouka so that Yona and Hak can live freely outside of the palace.

I know, it breaks me too everytime Hak or Yona suffer because of him, but I'm pretty sure he is suffering too. Right now I'm really curious to see how he will act. Last time he said that the next time he saw Hak and Yona he would definitely kill them (not sure if he just meant Hak and I really don't think he'll be able to do it though). But probably he will do something bad next and people will only hate on him even more haha.. it certainly wont help.

I hate him to death for shattering a young girl's dream. It is worst than discovering a man you had a crush on for fifteen years is marrying your mother.

Pardon??? Whose mother? With whom?

FINALLY!! SOMEONE WHO UNDERSTANDS SOO-WON. I like Soo-won's character tbh. I love that we get to see different POV's of each character. A lot of people seem to hate Soo-won and honestly, the reasons are quite stupid and people never actually try looking at his view. He actually serves a purpose in this story and he truly makes a great king though i want him to work with Yona and Hak :(

Im not sayings it's ok how Soo-won (I just realized I've been writing his name incorrectly this whole time *sigh*) killed King Il and deeply hurt Yona. I think it's something she'll never be able to forgive. However thanks to that she has grown from an ignorant silly primcess to a thoughtfull strong woman, which makes her one of my favorite female characters.

Just a hypothetical situation, dear. In other word what he did is worst than rejection, breaking his heart or being friend zone. He reject her whole being by killing his father instead of marrying her to take the crown. He cut his connection to Yona without intention of turning back and without giving her an option. After what happened, I think everbody will agree that Yona will not end up with Soo-won. But if Soo-won did not kill the king, there will be a debate whether she will end up with Hak or Soo-won or one of the dragons.
I mean, it's the first time I read rape beaing dealt with in such a realistic way, the psychological impact it has and all... I just hope they don't end up together.