nonamenoshame November 26, 2017 11:18 am

Is the girl in the end Mika (Nao’s friend)? I don’t remember her heir being so light though.. but it doesn’t make sense for it to be anyone else so idk.

Anyways that bitch better chill.

nonamenoshame November 26, 2017 11:13 am

Hasn’t anybody tried to understand Minsuk? I mean, I’m sure he likes Bexan and cares for him, but OF COURSE he’s not in love with him at the moment. It’s only been one month since they met and he’s still recovering from heartbreak. More like, he’s trying not to fall in love with Bexan, because as far as he knows Bexan will eventually leave. And it makes total sense he is scared of that because his ex (whom he hasn’t completely forgotten) left without a warning. Oh yeah and that same ex came back just as suddenly and of course all those unresolved feelings are still there. So PLEASE be a little bit more comprehensive (╯°Д °)╯╧╧

*pant* *pant*

So I’m actually not mad at all at Minsuk and hope this situation isn’t too hard on him.

nonamenoshame November 15, 2017 6:42 pm

Since I first started reading the manga I thought there was either a plotwhole or something that was going completely over my head. So chronologically things went like: Yuu’s parents called him a devil spawn and tried to kill him, thus he ended up in Hyakuya orphanage, where they conducted human experiments on all of the children. But if he was experimented on there then WHY did his parents called him a demon? There was my plotwhole, the timeline just didn’t add. I’m sure other people thought so. But now it seems that his memories have been altered, which basically allows them to do whatever they want with the timeline (and I’m totally ok with it tbh).

The thing that still confuses me is WHEN did they alter their memories? After his parents tried to kill him? Then it still makes no sense because after that he went to the orphanage where he was experimented on. And besides that man calls Yuu “test subject”, so I’m not sure. Are his parents memories actually fake and they never did exist or they at least didn’t try to kill him? Also doesn’t make sense because the man says they will LATER manipulate his memories, so up to that point they are his true memories.

So as you can see, I’m VERY confused. What are your lovely people thoughts?

    ToastedMilk November 15, 2017 8:36 pm

    Well I know from the novels that those weren’t Yuu’s real parents.

    nonamenoshame November 15, 2017 9:27 pm
    Well I know from the novels that those weren’t Yuu’s real parents. ToastedMilk

    Ohh.. okok, then I guess I’ll just wait for it to be revealed :)

    Or I can just go and read the novels ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

    ToastedMilk November 16, 2017 8:04 pm
    Ohh.. okok, then I guess I’ll just wait for it to be revealed :) Or I can just go and read the novels ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭ nonamenoshame

    Until you replied I hadn’t thought what I said was sort of a spoiler haaaa >~<

nonamenoshame November 8, 2017 2:58 pm

Itai... my heart. ╥﹏╥

nonamenoshame November 7, 2017 10:40 pm

This was on my top 3 mangas/manhwas which I couldn’t wait to read every week.. it’s so sad to see it end (no more Taemin and Woojin moments is just... ╥﹏╥). It has been an amazing ride story wise, and even if that ending wasn’t the best or the kind of ending I was expecting (I’m missing the consequences for Jiwook, and I needed to see him break down for realizing what he did to his brother, also more explanation about Leehoon’s motives, and a different kind of ending scene for Taemin and Woojin) I still think this story is worth reading. The drama was built nicely, and the funny moments just made me crack without fail.. and as a consequence my inner fujoshi was happy even though there wasn’t much “action”, if you know what I mean...

In any case, I’ll miss this story so much I don’t know what I’ll do. THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR CREATING THIS, HARIBO (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ

nonamenoshame October 9, 2017 10:40 pm

I think this time Hak will not lose it when he sees Soo-won. Probably because seeing Yona get over it will allow him to let go of the murdeous intent he gets whenever he sees him. He’ll still hate him, but he will be different this time.

nonamenoshame September 11, 2017 10:05 am

Even though the raping (most likely repeatedly) and the bullying were more than enough reasons for Siwon to commit suicide, I've been thinking that might have not been what really drove him to do it. After seeing his personality in the recent chapters, I really believe he would have suffered it silently and wouldn't have considered to jump in front of a bus because of it. Let me make myself clear: those would REALLY be reasons to drive a person to that point of desperation, I'm not trying in any way to underestimate them.

But I've been thinking, it probably was that he thought that the only way for Jiwook to be happy was if he wasn't around. I'm just speculating, but I feel like after the raping he realized that it was his own brother, that knew about it al along, and instead of hating him for it, he probably felt guilty. Guilty of "making his brother so miserable he would even do that". Jiwook was the most important person for Siwon, so if by existing he was making him miserable, he would rather disappear and let him be happy.

What I'm trying to say is, he probably would have endured it if he thought that by doing so he was helping his brother, but when he realized the hatred Jiwook felt, it was all meaningless, so he didn't have a reason to endure anything anymore. And it really breaks my heart when I think about it. Siwon my little sunshine didn't deserve that, not one bit.

    sonali September 11, 2017 1:41 pm

    ikr!! that's what i'd been thinking all along!
    poor Siwon :(

nonamenoshame September 5, 2017 4:13 am

Even though the raping (most likely repeatedly) and the bullying were more than enough reasons for Siwon to commit suicide, I've been thinking that might have not been what really drove him to do it. After seeing his personality in the recent chapters, I really believe he would have suffered it silently and wouldn't have considered to jump in front of a bus because of it. Let me make myself clear: those would REALLY be reasons to drive a person to that point of desperation, I'm not trying in any way to underestimate them.

But I've been thinking, it probably was that he thought that the only way for Jiwook to be happy was if he wasn't around. I'm just speculating, but I feel like after the raping he realized that it was his own brother, that knew about it al along, and instead of hating him for it, he probably felt guilty. Guilty of "making his brother so miserable he would even do that". Jiwook was the most important person for Siwon, so if by existing he was making him miserable, he would rather disappear and let him be happy.

What I'm trying to say is, he probably would have endured it if he thought that by doing so he was helping his brother, but when he realized the hatred Jiwook felt, it was all meaningless, so he didn't have a reason to endure anything anymore. And it really breaks my heart when I think about it. Siwon my little sunshine didn't deserve that, not one bit.

    hmm September 5, 2017 5:15 am

    that makes a lot of sense, you've blown my mind.

nonamenoshame August 28, 2017 2:19 pm

Im beginning to understand why authors love cliffhangers. I mean, reading people going crazy (like me) in the comments is priceless.

As much as I can understand Jiwook's character, I cannot sympathize with him. It's very human to feel left out, not needed, jealous.. however, it's not human to do that to someone so close to you just because you can't get over your sorry lame ass. It's a very well written character, who I just happen to hate with my entire being.

Now my fujoshi side speaking *ejem* MY RAGE when he interrupted them with that childish play of his. I went all FUUUUUU (╯°Д °)╯╧╧

nonamenoshame August 28, 2017 3:45 am

Why I'm I so attached to this story??? I don't usually get overly attached with characters or couples in anything (manga/manhwa, anime, books) but man I want this couple to be happy. These last updates (ch 42-47) made my heart ache no joke... just WHY?

And also, my poor Siwon.. it breaks my heart to see how he cared for his brother and had to suffer such a horrible moment. So fucking sad. I hope he's in peace *sobbing incontrolably*

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