I understand why ppl dislike Dohyun for being a shitty person and very toxic but like... y’all ... Sungho kidnapped and repeatedly raped and abused Dohyun while holding him captive. Like. I’m not defending Dohyun for being a selfish person, but I seriously don’t get people acting like he’s the worse person here and Sungho is just an uwu baby. They’re both bad people but at least Dohyun isn’t a violent and obsessive kidnapper rapist... they’re not equally bad.
That being said, no shit on the story for it. It’s good and somehow tied together what is an insanely unhealthy romance together in a somewhat satisfying way?
I want to write an extensive think piece on this bcus I’m gonna be honest, I think it’s complex and flawed and I feel like a lot of the commenters here aren’t approaching this with the nuance a story like this deserves (which admittedly sounds really elitist, but reading the comments I don’t know how else to put it).
Here's thing. When I was younger. Maybe like 6-8 years ago. I was okay and excited reading abusive, rape, necrophilia and gore shit. Now I know I wouldn't be able to go through Feeding lamb with same excitment as before. I also don't feel excited about rape mangas anymore. My understanding of rape even is stupid fiction got moved and it did not desentize me reading it few years back. But I know not everybody has it like this but I really hope when people go looking back at this when they are older, they won'tfeel like "oh yes pls, non con".
yes that may be for your case, and I’m glad it didn’t affect you, but it will mostly likely affect people maybe not exactly like I’m go rape or staying w someone that has raped them, but things like this- the ending, promotes the idea that it’s okay to be in such toxic relationship, u just need to get it thru, or that minor sexual harrasement and assault is ok.
I hope this doesn’t sound rude? But noncon/rape fantasies are exceedingly common, studies estimate that somewhere from 20-50% of all people experience sexual fantasies where they are being raped.
It’s difficult ground to tread, as it can lead to the romanticization of rape and abuse, but there’s, conceptually, nothing wrong with people enjoying fictional noncon scenarios or consensual non consent role play.
The idea that people will just grow out of it is.. admittedly something kinda harmful imo. Ppl don’t choose what turns them on, and one popular theory is shame and sexual repression, esp in women and men who don’t conform to toxic masculine standards, is what leads to these fantasies - repressing them even further (ie forcing oneself to grow out of it) could likely make them more even more prominent.
Look, y'all, I get fantasizing about, like, shit that's bad and not wanting it to happen to you irl cause fantasy is different. I get that. But this manga is trying to realistically show how horrible stalking/stalkers are. Yes, it's showing Yul is damaged and that's why he's the way he is, but it is not justifying/trying to justify or excuse his behavior, just explain.
I understand fantasizing about unhealthy stuff but here... there's not much to fantasize about. It's very clear cut, portrayed as unhealthy and abusive. Yul hits on like, every abusive trait and red flag.
It's just fiction, so it's not a big deal, but I'm hoping you guys are just young and are able to understand that it's just fiction. I know a lot of stories, especially BL stories, romanticize abusive, unhealthy traits. But Yul's dialogue is all abuse, all emotional manipulation, etc.
You guys need to realize, abusers in real life are messy. They're not this storybook version of them where they're evil people set out to do harm. A lot of real life abusers and rapists are like Yul - people who have shitty backgrounds and developed toxic behavior because of them. That doesn't excuse any abusers, any rapists, it explains but it never excuses, as countless people with backgrounds like that don't turn out that way. It's ok to feel bad for him as a fictional character, but it's also important to be careful because that thinking irl is why people end up sticking with abusers -- "but he has a bad past" "but he's been through so much" "but he's a good guy inside" "but he's only abusive sometimes.
In a lot of fictional stories, especially BL, those characters get "redeemed". They get a happy end and a different love interest and it's all rainbows in the end. And that's a really shitty trope and bad writing, to be honest. One person can't fix an abuser, especially not someone in a romantic or familial relationship with them.
Hell, Yul and Sian intentionally contrast each other -- both are from abusive families, were bullied, etc. and both have their struggles - but Yul became an abuser.
Sian did forgive Yul from what I've from someone reading the raws of its endings and Thank you for saying this honestly I so annoyed by the hate from other users saying that its wrong to feel bad for Yul.....
I really apreciate you for sharing this! I hope alot people understand that common sense isn't always right sometimes and theres nothing wrong for feeling bad for a fictional characters.
and yea there are hated characters in anime as well too who also gets to redeemed themselves!
i ressent the implication that they were like, soulmates and live happily together forever in the afterlife or some shit. mc is literally almost twice the age of lawrence, who is 14 - a child.
That's not really the implication. It's from Adrian's perspective. It's psychological. Adrian saw them as soulmates.
The 'love' is twisted. Both of their minds were broken beyond repair. Like Romeo & Juliet, it's a love story where the love itself is romantic but not lasting or sane.
The balloon is probably a metaphor. It's empty, but a floating balloon is light. Letting go of a balloon is release.
So the final page with the little girls is that they have been released from their suffering.
mmm I like your interpretation better. I think it’s open enough that there can be more than one interpretation, but the vibe I got was, in large part, how like “truly in love” they tried to act like the couple was, how Lawrence literally died for Adrian, etc. It gave me the vibe of
like “they died so now they can be together in the afterlife”.
IDK. I definitely understand your interpretation and I prefer it.
Look, I don’t agree with that dude mistreating Nakyum, but I honestly kinda feel for him? I mean, dude is probably worked half to death and works for a psycho (a hot psycho, but a psycho nonetheless). So I mean, dude resents Nakyum since Seungho is untouchable. It’s not right, but it makes sense. Dude is honestly probably a better person than Seungho afawk anyways.
No he's not a good guy. Treating nakyum like nobody because he's bitter is still understandable. But putting stones in someone food cause you're bitter and couldn't sit well with the fact that the other person had it easier than you is straight up bullying and nasty. And then he had the audacity saying that it's a prank. Like bruh??? He was only able to put stones because he doesn't have much power to assert like Seungho. If he does has the power I can assure you he would be as terrible or even worst than Seungho. At least Seungho literally couldn't give a fuck about anything that had nothing of his interest. He don't mess with people unless people mess with things that are related to him.
Never said he was a good guy. Besides, he’s bitter and angry because he doesn’t have power and is facing abusive conditions because he doesn’t have power. We can’t guess what he’d be like if he had power because he’s only really defined by being bitter and an asshole due to not having power.
Also Seungho is pretty bottom of the barrel, as it comes. He’s a homicidal, physically and emotionally abusive rapist. I mean, he literally kills a dude in the first (? Or one of the first) chapters in cold blood because he thinks he gave him the wrong info (which, now knowing Seungho is a clever, manipulative bastard, he obviously knew Namkyun was just lying to him, and killed an innocent man to intimidate him/try to threaten the truth out of him).
I re-read some early chapters to see how the mark situation was explained in the story, and I honestly thought you guys were over exaggerating about the art decline... you guys weren’t. I mean, the art itself isn’t bad now but it’s much less detailed than it was before... Hyun kinda goes from lookin like an actual adult man to this chibi mess and I kinda miss old Hyun.
This is... honestly...
Probably the best BL I’ve read. A healthy relationship? A couple that communicates? In the later chapters, acknowledging his jealousy is wrong/his ultimatum was bad and apologizing and talking it out?
Wow. Yeah. This is really good stuff. The sex scenes and uncensored peens are just icing on the cake. Oh, and the fact that bisexuality is mentioned and it’s stated that the character is bi, instead of the “I’m straight but maybe I’m gay now or maybe you’re my exception” shit.
This is good. I wish it was longer, but it also feels like a good length. Maybe I just wanna see them be cute and fluffy together.
This made my gay heart happy. Maybe I should look for a boyfriend again...
God this story fucking sucks. At least the kabeshiri sex was good.