요한준 맘 created a topic of Eighteen's Bed

if you want any spoilers of the plot/characters from the novel, lmk

Mmm love seeing a man crushed body and soul. Hope this author's pillow continues to be cool on both sides

요한준 맘 created a topic of Between Us Now

It's the same drama and arguments every single time like we've just been walking the same circle since the start honestly art isn't even that good idk why i keep suffering through this lmaooo

tricked into reading a shit translation thinking it's been updated lol. the nimrods in this comment section white knighting over it too are embarrassing- it's not a translation if it's pure mumbo jumbo that doesn't make sense

요한준 맘 add manga to list fave☆

The prince and the orc are settling into family life now that they are happily married and have made...

  • Author: Oishii oshiri
  • Genres: Doujinshi / Oneshot / Yaoi / Mature / Smut / Supernatural Doujinshi Oneshot Supernatural
요한준 맘 created a topic of Bloody Lies

Such a pretty and interesting manhwa deserves a better translation... someone please save this one lol

did no one in the comments actually read the dialogue where he states that he's an adult lol

요한준 맘 created a topic of Love Gym

Basically unreadable; the translations are so bad. Either that one set of translators is lying about it not being MTL (which I suspect) or their krn language and translation skills are so pathetic that they read like awful MTL regardless, which makes it worse that they're stirring drama over 'the other' shitty translation lol.