I'm a die hard fan of Lookism, and I know for a fact that Hyung Seok is heavily inspired from author's clothes shops model, who has the same name as Hyung Seok.
It makes you feel weird, and I have no qualms about shipping people, but I always ask myself this question; Would that bother them?
You can check out real Hyung Seok here->>
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=akhf4AJoMo8 i think this is him. he's cute
and it doesn't bother me, i think it's cool that he's his inspiration for a character
I haven't read Lookism yet. But maybe the author asked Hyung Seok before he/she put him in the story? I don't see how you could do that to someone you know without informing them and getting their consent. That would be irresponsible. So yeah, if he agreed to it, I don't think it's a problem. Maybe he likes being a part of a creative process.
this is manhwa character Hyung Seok--> http://www.mangago.zone/home/photo/728590/
this is real person Hyung Seok--> https://www.instagram.com/p/BENPKWOSLPy/?taken-by=92_hyungseok&hl=tr
I'm %99.99 sure he is aware that his name and look used in manhwa, he is following artist on the instagram. Hell, he made a song for the manhwa too. But i still find it confusing and weird, because everybody on ig talking about Lookism on his photos.
Haha. Well he's certainly good-looking :)
Idk. Maybe I don't think it's that weird because I haven't been reading it? It probably happens more often than we're aware of.
The way I see things, it's difficult or maybe next to impossible to create/draw a character purely from imagination. Even if you design a character from your head without references, you'll still base aspects of the character on someone you know or have encountered, whether it's personality, appearance, voice, etc., and you might not even be aware of it.
Actually, there were a few people in my drawing class used models' pics on instagram for their art. And well, since I view the internet as a public space, it seemed similar to drawing a random person you happened to see in a park or something.
Anyways, this case is bit exceptional because the author seems to have made a character exactly like the person irl for their story. So after the initial reaction of "What is going on!?" I'd also think it's cool (⁎⁍◇⁍⁎), especially since he seems to be playing along in a supportive way (must good publicity for his instagram page too).
Manhwa we talked about is actually pretty innocent, there is nothing going on there right now. And I do know what you mean, I draw too and I never believed that I created a truly unique character.
And I'm really glad author at least asked his permission before doing this, there are people who files a lawsuit for this ( ̄∇ ̄")
Artist is really inexperienced, and draws "slow" not fluid, but plot is good I guess?