i can’t even begin to describe how sweet it is. taesung is so sweet to haebom. he doesn’t pressure him into doing anything. he doesn’t tell him he needs to learn to stand up for himself, but still praises him when he does. he doesn’t push haebom to rely on him, but still let’s him know it’s okay to do so. i hope, in time, haebom can learn to have more confidence in himself and not think himself a burden anymore, i’m sure taesung would be happy to help him along the way. they both are such sweethearts and i wish for them happiness.

its so sad to see how horrible they are being to one another now when they once were such good and close friends.. they used to be so loving and protective of one another and now we have siwon spitting such ugly and homophobic words at jinha and jinha attempting to sexually assault siwon. its so upsetting and i can only hope they go back to being as close as they were once and have happy ending.

i hate the comments saying that ayeon is not really bad at heart and that he's just doing these things to please soyeon and that, if it weren't for her, he wouldn't be doing any of this. it doesn't matter the reason, he is still responsible for his own actions, and he is still doing all of this by choice. whether he's about to beat or rape jaerim (i already know which it is but i won't say because that is a spoiler) doing either of those things to an innocent person who placed their trust in you makes you a disgusting and irredeemable person. ayeon doesn't deserve sympathy or anything.

Yeah, I 1000% agree with you. I hate when people try to make an excuse for horrible things such as rape. Ayeon can easily say no and not to attempt to hurt Jaerim. If he actually cared about Jaerim, he wouldn't be doing this. If he was arrested, he wouldn't be able to get off just by saying, "my girlfriend told me to do it". He is responsible for his actions.

i think it will always amaze me how much of a good character and person jaerim is like. he is always doing his best to help others in any way he can and is always treating everyone with friendliness and kindness. he has such a good heart but he is also does not let people step all over him and is not afraid to stand up for both himself and others, and call people out when they are doing something wrong. and i think the most admirable thing, how he never gives up on anything or on the people he loves, no matter what. he is such a cute and good boy and someone to look up to and strive to be like. he's so precious and never fail to warm my heart.
i love you jaerim so much and i wish the best for you always

this is probably the most intriguing manhwa/webtoon i'm reading at the moment, at least in terms of plot. like the moral ambiguity of the main characters and the complexity of their relationship make it really interesting..
also, when i usually read these i'm always hoping for a happy ending for the characters and for their relationships to end on a good note, but both of the main character are clearly really mentally unstable/mentally ill, and their relationship is really codependent and unhealthy, so i'm not really sure if i can see a good end for them... but the plot is still really interesting nonetheless. i like this.

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i feel that a lot of people in these comments that are blaming everything on yuri don't really know what it's like to experience a trauma at such an early that ends up leaving you almost completely alone and shaping your whole life to the point that you're so withdrawn from others and feel that you not only have take care of yourself all on your own, but also that you have to learn to carry all of your troubles on your own. it not so easy to just up and start talking about something that's been bothering you when you've gone the majority of your life never having known what it's like to open up to someone. and it's even more difficult when that something is some sort of traumatic event. and let me tell you, i know from experience that keeping all of your emotions bottled up will cause you to lash out and get irrationally angry and cause you to do and say things you don't mean, and that's exactly what we've been seeing yuri doing in these latest chapters.
i'm not excusing the way yuri has been treating jaerim, nor am i taking his side (because i feel just as bad for jaerim) but i wish people here would at least try to understand how horrible yuri must be feeling, because he is suffering just as much as jaerim.
my heart really hurts for both of them, and i really hope they can be happy in the end, no matter what. because they are good boys who deserve to be, and i care about them very much
also... i don't understand how so many people can't see how suspicious the new guy is...

Exactly, people need to realize losing a parent let alone both is beyond traumatic to a child. He's been on his own for years not being able to open up. Also, did you see where the new guy said lover? That's very messed up and I'm really wondering where that's gonna go since he has a gf and she's been bullying jaerim. idk all of it is building up and it just gets me more and more worried >.<

OK the new boy, I saw some tip, I think I saw him violence jearim. And what you talking not wrong but you know what it didn't mean he can take everything to someone who care for him this much, even he got hurt a lot of time he still came back for the one he love no matter, how hurt it is to push away again and, he just want to know what they are doing or how is he. If it that hard and that hurtful just told jearim that he don't need him he doesn't need to concern for him anymore. He don't have to make jearim suffering this much crying alone like crazy. I used to has this experience too it to hard to breathing just to think that I'm not the who he need to share their heart........ I'm sorry to say this but this last chapter really make me remembered the one I used to love so much but in the end I choose to walk away when i know I'm not the one for him .....

Being traumatised or having your own problems is NOT a freepass to be an asshole, which Yuri became. Just because he's having it hard doesn't mean Jaerim doesn't deserve to protect his own well being. Truth is, Yuri makes no effort to open himself up. Right now he doesn't consider Jaerim as an equal partner in a mutual relationship. Jaerim has every right to cut toxic people out of his life, and if Yuri is being a toxic person and a horrible lover, he can be cut out too.

Yeah. ıts ok to push everyone at some point , your dearests will understand sooner or later . but yuri turing into a complate stanger even for a moment did boke my heart . I just wonder when will yuri get over this and how . And ı cant stop thinking if that liar bastard did give a help to yuri and jearim about their relationship , even a single conversation would be far more than ok , jearim wouldn't be that miserable

I beg to disagree.. His past doesnt give him a right to treat Jaerim like that. Look just how much Jaerim loves him and makes an effort to understand him, to be there for him. But Yuri completely shuts Jaerim off. Like jaerim is a total stranger. Jaerim is hurting and crying and bawling his eyes out because Yuri refused to open himself to his LOVER is what pissing me off. It's unfair!!!! I'm considering Yuri's trauma and past but still looking Jaerim crying like that at the end, i just couldnt accept it. He doesnt have to pushed Jaerim away like that. It hurts you know when a positive and persistent and cheerful guy like Jaerim finally broke down coz of his lover. After all, the one who tried to close the distance between them is Jaerim not Yuri. But i just hope they settle this soon or im gonna lose my shit.

no one said that it was a freepass to be an asshole, because it isn't, and anyone who says it is is wrong. but i don't? think yuri is being an asshole? or toxic, as a matter of fact. he's just someone who doesn't know how to cope with pain and lashes out because of that. what it seems to me is that he's reverting back to how he was in the beginning of the manhwa—more closed off, cold, irritable. and about the opening up thing, like i said, it's not an easy thing to do when you've gone your whole life never having known what it's like to do that. sometimes you don't even know where to begin, or even how. but regardless, i agree with you about jaerim having the right to cut him out of his life. if yuri is causing him too much emotional stress then yeah, he does has every right to do that.

Of course it's not, there;s never an excuse to demean your spouse but did you see his eyes? and how he snapped out of it? It's like he was in complete panic mode and I honestly don't think he was in his right mind. I think he has a lot of trauma that people are ignoring when the truth is if you have anxiety/depression (which is obvious that he has) you do exactly what he's doing: lashing out/saying things you don't mean, being irritable/violent, closing yourself off so completely because you want to handle it yourself even though no matter how much you think it helps it's really destroying relationships. I'm not trying to excuse him i'm just saying it's not uncommon for him to behave this way. Jaerim has every right to cut him out but he won't because he loves him. I think he does consider him an equal partner, if he didn't then there's no way he would've tried so hard to get with jaerim. He was in panick mode when he said jaerim was ugly you could easily tell by the way he snapped out of it and that is the only reason I even considered forgiving him for saying that. It was a horribly sad chapter. Again though, yuri doesn't know HOW. He said so himself he's never had anyone to open up to, he's handled everything on his own, so how do you expect him to open up when they've barely been dating that long? He needs a solid foundation first and they don't have that yet.

Chapter 71 page 37. This was when jaerim was on the swing and then the mystery dude saw him left then came back with first aid supplies.
Jaerim "I wish they'd get blurry just to the point where I could make out your face"
Mystery handsome dude who's name escapes me- "Wow~ are you touched? Have you never had a lover before, Jaerim? I mean can't believe you're touched by something as small as this~ hehe."
then it keeps going but I don't wanna type it all haha

The fuck dude? I'm not even that shallow to compare two different people based on outer appearance. It's like when one twin did something really horrible to you and your also going to be an asshole to the other twin who was innocent. Yuri's point of view is pretty shallow. Yuri just because some ugly guy did something horrible to you in the past you can't hold that against every new ugly guy you meet. "Ohhhh yea I have PTSD and you fucking need to understand why I'm treating you ugly guys coldly"

If he's so hurt why pursue anything with Jaerim? Especially when Jaerim did not return his feelings in the first place....How can you expect to make someone fall in love with you and then expect them to not interfere in your life? How you live your life is your business but making someone fall in love with you and dumping them bcoz their worried about you........selfish and better off single until they resolve it themselves...how about that?
“If I don’t have you I might really kill myself” not if I kill you first you manipulative asshole
I would have said. "Okay, go ahead, but don't get blood on my sheets."