Spoilers abt their romantic development pls !! ⁄(⁄ ⁄·⁄ω⁄·⁄ ⁄)⁄
I’ll try to pick up the novel but I’m currently busy so I would really love to hear some spoilers (▰˘◡˘▰)

hehe I can give you some spoilers c:
I think their first kiss was on chap 200? At this point it’s clear they both love each other romantically c: in the past, it wasn’t super clear whether Kishar & Yuder also felt this way bc they were very distant emotionally and only had a sexual relationship. In general, there are so many scenes where it’s clear they’re both falling for each other hehe it’s so good tbh and I didn’t mind waiting long for their relationship to be official. Idk how else to explain it but that the slow burn is worth it!! And they end up being so sweet to each other :’)) (yes, even Yuder whose personality is pretty morose lol). Like I love that yuder eventually lets kishar do whatever like pulling him into his lap (super often) and kissing him whenever no one is around lol. And there’s also a part where Yuder “pretends” to be kishar’s lover for an operation lmao (and everyone in the Calvary doesn’t know they’re actually in love so it’s even funnier imo). At a call held for the Calvary, they dance together too :’)) anyway it’s good and the author does a really good job developing their relationship so it doesn’t feel rushed or ingenuine.

More spoilers on their relationship ^^
If u guys are surprised by that, I’m sure you’ll be shocked to know their first detailed sexual scene is somewhere around chapter 400 and 50 chapters later, they finally do it :)
They also spend Yuder’s heat together around chapter 610 ⁄(⁄ ⁄·⁄ω⁄·⁄ ⁄)⁄
Their relationship is so sweet and adorable that it’s one of the most green flag couples I’ve ever read about! 10/10 recommend the novel if you’re a good reader ^^

Ooohh I just checked the heat scene starts at 612! Happy readings https://novelingua.com/turning-2/

Ooohh I just checked the heat scene starts at 612! Happy readings https://novelingua.com/turning-2/

More spoilers btw for anyone who wants them:
I also just wanted to add that their actual first lovemaking scene where they go all the way is so cute? Like right before yuder goes to his room after a mission and it’s filled (like from corner to corner) with flowers that kishar gave him :’))) he literally runs to kishiar’s office (which is attached to the bedroom) and they proceed to do it & spend time together for the entirety of their vacation (you’ll notice that kishiar likes giving the Calvary vacations after missions lol). It was so cute c:

spoilers from user: Rin.rinaaa of Novel Updates
link: https://forum.novelupdates.com/threads/virtue-of-the-villainess.99524/page-10
summary to ease your anxiety: lerajie's plan failed >____<
~☆★ before the party ★☆~
<> dorothy (the maid/spy of lerajie) stoned the gem in ginger's dress
~☆★ day of the bday party ★☆~
<> ginger hands izana the cake she worked hard for
<> izana is confused since he couldn't read ginger's mind
<> lerajie then joins the couple and tells izana to not eat the cake since it's "poisonous"
<> lerajie provoked izana by questioning if ginger's feelings are really genuine
<> lerajie suggests that maybe it was her plan to poison him to be with hamel
<> izana does not want to believe lerajie but at the same time ginger's mind was "unreadable" making her a bit dubious
<> nevertheless, izana ate the cake
<> he remembered how ginger worked really hard for the cake
<> so it's [a bit] impossible for ginger to poison him
~☆★ after eating the cake ★☆~
<> izana collapses and ginger screams
<> hamel says that izana was poisoned
<> lerajie calls a ginger a "great actress"
<> basically, lerajie was trying to put the blame at ginger
<> ginger then tells lerajie she's going too far
<> meanwhile, hamel is doing his "magic" to heal izana
<> ginger then starts to cry and blame herself
<> she's worried that, when izana wakes up, he might have a hard time trusting
<> ginger's tears touches izana and he starts to glow
<> izana wakes up soon after
<> izana jokes that he might have fainted because ginger inserted some booze
<> izana comforts the crying ginger
<> meanwhile, lerajie asks hamel if he healed izana
<> hamel says he wasn't the reason that izana was able to recover

spoiler spoiler spoiler spoiler spoiler spoiler spoiler spoiler spoiler spoiler spoiler spoiler spoiler spoiler spoiler spoiler spoiler spoiler spoiler spoiler spoiler spoiler spoiler spoiler spoiler spoiler spoiler spoiler spoiler spoiler spoiler spoiler spoiler spoiler spoiler spoiler spoiler spoiler spoiler spoiler spoiler spoiler spoiler spoiler spoiler spoiler spoiler spoiler
sorry for spamming had to do it since sometimes the text shows in the replies, anw
<> gesuit [just like from before] appears
<> gesuit tells izana that he has successfully lifted the curse
<> izana asks some things about hendrick
<> gesuit ofc answers his questions
<> lerajie also asks gesuit questions
"why did hendrick drink the wine even though he knew he was gonna get poisoned?"
<> hendrick was born with a weak body
<> plus, he also performed magic and trained relentlessly
<> magic was really energy-consuming
<> hendrick knew that his older brother was constantly compared to him since he can't do magic
<> hendrick pretty much knew his brother saw him as a "competitor" to the throne
<> basically, hendrick did all that [drink the wine and do magic] bc he really cared about his brother and the kingdom
<> hendrick wanted to help his brother as much as he can
"where's her happy ending" [or something like that]
<> gesuit reveals that he made the necklace so that izana can learn how to trust through lerajie
<> but, gesuit remarks this all ended in vain since lerajie was greedy
<> lerajie became furious
<> lerajie states that she should get her "happy ending" since she was the main character of the og novel
<> lerajie then says to ginger that it should be her who is getting izana's love
<> izana then warns lerajie to not say bad things about ginger
<> izana says that he won't let lerajie's remarks get away
<> add to the fact that lerajie also poisoned izana

sorry for plugging (〜 ̄△ ̄)〜 but
i am planning to translate the korean novel (since i recently found of copy of it) and was wondering if anyone is interested to read it?

here's the link: https://mobile.wattpad.com/1095867445-awtptly
lemme know if the link doesn't work )-: also, the chapter i started with may be chap 33-34 of the manhwa???

rough explanation:
<> mc is a daughter of the saintess but was constantly abused by her mother and other temple people (lol idk what they're called)
<> saintess arranged a marriage between mc and ml. ml is the king of a neighbor kingdom. mc marries ml because she has no choice. ml marries mc because if he doesn't, the empire will target his kingdom
<> saintess then cursed mc and says that she will die in 6 mos if she doesn't kill ml
<> as a result, mc dies
<> mc goes back # years (forgot how many) and tries to change the future so that the people she care about can be protected
lol my explanation was rough i swear the story is good <33
~~~~ why you should read this:
- great art & plot
- imo, it's not the basic "i will get revenge" plot ://

spoilers i got from the novel
so it may or may not appear in this webtoon
p.s. since it was a fan who translated it, this may not be as accurate
#1 how did isaac's dad and the old man (we'll call him old man) get married
<> apparently, old man forced his dad into submission
<> by force, i mean old man marked isaac's dad without consent
#2 why did isaac's dad lied about isaac's gender (omega)
<> he didn't want old man to do to isaac what he did to him
#3 what happened after old man realized that isaac was an omega?
<> isaac got into heat
<> old man sexually assaults isaac
<> just like what he did to isaac's dad, old man marks isaac
<> again, the mark was nonconsentual
#4 so does isaac ends up getting marked by old man?
<> felix arrives to save isaac
<> i think they go to a hotel (??) to erase old man's marking
<> since old man's marking was not yet completed, felix "overwrites"
<> basically, instea of the old man, felix's pheromones overpowers isaac
<> in the end, felix marks isaac
#5 how did isaac's dad die?
<> dad dies because old man has this weird kink for omegas
<> basically, old man keeps on releasing pheromones to induce heat (to the dad)
<> (it says in the fan translated novel) isaac's dad dies because of to much sex
<> take note that during the sex, dad kept on resisting
<> basically, old man murders dad through raping the dad
#6 what happens to old man
<> felix comes into the rescue to save ben <33
<> can't remember if he dies or go to jail
<> anyway, he got a BAD ending
#7 what happens to isaac's family
<> felix now knows the ben is his son
<> the three live together
<> ben knows that his dad is felix but still finds calling him "dad" a bit uncomfortable
<> felix' cousin (computer expert) ADORES ben because of his cuteness (i mean who wouldn't ://)

ok found the link
u can read it here but take note that this is translated by google-translation so it may not be as accurate
<the account that posted this also have the season 2 called "love ben">

coming back to this thread to clarify something:
as u can see i used the term "assault" and not "rape"
since (as far as i can remember) cole didn't rape isaac but there were sexual fondling and touching that isaac did not consent to
anw i hope this didn't confuse ppl since "assual" is a broad term which also encompasses "rape" :DDD

spoilers FOR THE WHOLE NOVEL (or as much i can remember lol)
note: infos taken from the novel
#1: who's the dad?
<> aria's dad is actually the duke of a kingdom
<> the dad is the duke of the same kingdom where isis' prince fiance is
<> the duke looooves the countess but bc of personal reason (mainly because he was royalty and she was a prostitute) they were separated
<> duke does not know that countess and him have a baby together
<> the viscount (duke's dad) is looking for the countess because apparently the duke has gone mad or troubled (??) after countess left
#2: why does aria have powers?
<> people with royal blood are said to have inherit powers
<> these powers only show when they get into life-threatening situations
<> asher got his powers when he was assassinated by the aristocrats (??)
<> asher accidentally teleported to the neighboring kingdom that why he was able to be friends with isis' prince fiance
#3: what happened to isis?
<> before her death, she kept screaming how "dirty" aria was since she was a daughter of a prostitute
<> since her ex fiance was close to the duke (aria's father), he gets mad at isis
<> ex fiance tells her to shut up especially since the girl she's calling "dirty" is a princess from a kingdom
<> after this revelation, isis felt mad because the only bad thing she can use to aria was her origin. now, she can't use that excuse anymore
<> she was hanged to death after the spy that asher had revealed all of isis' treason
#4 what happened to oliver?
<> he helped with the investigation of her sister's crime so his sentence was lessened
<> instead of hanging, he will be stripped off his titles
<> became a commoner
#5 what happened to mielle and cain?
<> almost same sentence with oliver
<> mielle goes to become a maid
<> when she was a maid, everyone treated her badly (esp annie lol)
<> at one tea party that aria hosted, both mielle and cain were invited
<> mielle poisons aria's tea
<> however, it turns out that it was cain's tea
<> cain dies because of poin
<> mielle dies because of murder
#6 what happened to countess?
<> she now lives together with aria's dad
#7 what happened to aria and asher
<> obv they got married
aria has royal blood since her grandmother was originally a royal from asher's side. however, her grandmather fell in love with a viscount/duke (forgot but it's duke father) so she escaped and lived in aria's kingdom instead. i think grandma's name was victoria?

her mom is also gorg like her <33 no wonder duke fell in love ;DD
side note: (not sure if this accurate) countess used the pseudonym "apple" when she was still a prostitute so basically the duke didn't know her real name. because of this, duke had difficulty looking for her since several prostitutes were also using the name "apple"
apple was kinda a reference to adam and eve wherein "apple" is something forbidden & temptin :DD
I really like how the artist adds expression to the seme’s face. His expressions are super hot. Other yaoi would have uke’s fully enjoying it, while the seme has a blank stare.
OMGGGG I agree! I literally hate when the seme’s look so idle and have no expression.