Now, Let the waiting game commence....(● ̄(エ) ̄●)

I completely agree with you. I promise I wasn't trying to say she should keep doing it. I just logically thought that based on the past, this wouldn't stop her. As much as I appreciate the translations ahead of the English release schedule, she seems like a like a bright, talented, hilarious, and wonderful young woman, and I would hate for this to have any drastic impacts on her life and her future.

Patients... My friends.

I sent an anonymous message to one of the translation team members about Ricepunch and they replied here's there Tumblr

*starring dead at the recent updates, breathing heavily on the screen* ( ーεー )
Me: "...y u nu update, huh?"
*Pokes screen with a stick* "you making fun of me, huh? Huh!?" (๑‾д‾๑) "what is this new type of torture?" (Jk take your time, I love this story so much! #Blessed can't wait for the next!)

I sent an anonymous message to one of the translation team members about Ricepunch and they replied here's there Tumblr
The dad's reaction kills me every time!
(/ ꈿꈿ)/