This chapter is just one big sex marathon lol (with a TW). ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭
(Warning: contains peeing/squirting(?) )
In the beginning of the chap Taeseung continues to drive deep into Sooyoung while pushing on his stomach — SY tells him to stop because something is going to come out and feels scared. TS keeps pushing and tells him to let it out and SY starts peeing himself when he comes and his inner monologue is basically just "I'm feeling strange, I'm scared". This whole time TS continues referring SY as his puppy and that he needs to move his puppy to somewhere more comfortable to pee. While TS navigates SY to the toilet SY keeps feeling scared and that he needs to hold it in, and when he turns to TS TS asks if he wants a kiss and kisses him while pressing on his stomach again and fucking him deep. SY keeps asking TS to stop because he'll pee again and cries that he doesn't want to pee, but TS keeps going and then SY cums again while peeing. After he cums TS says "You don't like it? But you let it out so well. Are you shy?" SY responds "When you press it like that it keeps coming out...I'm ashamed...I don't like it". TS replies back "Puppies can pee anywhere, why are you so ashamed?" and tells him that "It's okay, it's okay".
The next several panels of the next sex scene is basically all SY moans interspersed with SY saying "I can't" or "Stop". As TS grabs SY's dick he says "You're excited...it keeps coming out...I wonder how much more will come out" and SY repeats "It's not coming out" in response but TS goes down on him anyways and surprise, SY cums again. TS is like "Look...there's still more" when he spits out his cum and SY's inner thoughts is [How many times have I cum...I don't know...I'm tired...I feel like I'm dying]. As SY clings onto TS his thoughts continue, [How long are we going to continue doing this? All I can do is hold on...]. Meanwhile this whole time TS keeps saying "It's okay, it's okay" while holding him tightly.
As SY continues to cling to TS he notices scars on TS's back and thinks [These scars...I've never noticed them because of his tattoos...how did he get them?] And as their sex session winds down to an end he thinks [I wish you could tell me more about them...There are so many things I don't know about you...I just...want to know more about you...]
Cut to post-sex — while SY is knocked out TS gets a call from Sangchul and TS says he'll be over right away. End of chapter.
A part of me feels bad that SY was absolutely wrung out like that in their sex session, but as usual we get context that even though SY vocally says "stop" and "I don't like it" a lot we find out his inner thoughts align more to feeling "strange" and "weird" and ultimately his focus shifts to wanting to know more about TS to feel more connected to him.

Thanks for the spoilers! I haven't read the chapter already and to be honest, I am not sure I want to. I've been coping with all the kink so far and right when I thought it couldn't get worse, now we have this chapter with piss and the puppy thing. Not really my taste :(( We need to see more of them having a proper conversation. And why SY is not returning to work? Is he still recovering? I mean, he needs to keep himself busy because TS is definitely taking advantage of him being locked in his house 24/7. He really treats him and talks to him like his pet.

I know I skipped over a few chapter summaries but I'm not going to backtrack to summarize because the English ver will be out anyway so please wait until then ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭
Chapter starts w/ Sooyoung asking Dojin about the missing host, Seo Jihoon (in the previous chapter when he was sneaking around Taeseung's office this is the missing person file he found — also the same dude that was choked to death during sex w/ the senator). Dojin says he hasn't seen him lately and SY gets more suspicious about the missing person report he found. He knows TS's work isn't all flowers and rainbows and he can be a dangerous person, but he thinks about the side of TS he only shows to SY that's soft and caring and wonders how genuine it is.
While SY is in the middle of his thoughts Donghyun finds him and says that he and Jihoon were friends and wants to know what SY knows so they go to a cafe and talk. SY explains what he found at Taeseung's office (Jihoon's file and papers for the land redevelopment project) and DH remarks about how the latter is something that's been desired by the area for a long time to bring in more business. SY says he might go visit the redevelopment site to look for more clues and DH suggests they go together. Then SY's phone rings and DH teases him asking if there's something delicious for him waiting at home. SY gets flustered and blushes and then DH asks if it's Taeseung waiting for him at home and cooking soybean stew for him. SY goes into denial mode and when DH is about to tell SY something regarding TS he calls again and this time SY picks up.
Taeseung opens with "Master, where are you?" (in the last chapter there's a scene where SY tells Taeseung that if SY is his dog then TS is his puppy, and then TS starts call him Master :P) and tells SY that he's been waiting for SY to come back so he could have his milk. He starts talking dirty over the phone about what he wants to do to SY, possibly more car sex since SY seems to respond well to that and SY gets mega embarrassed and yells that TS is a crazy bastard and he'll be back soon before hanging up.
When SY is back at TS's place TS asks SY why he's so quiet, and then assumes it's because TS heard the voice of another man with SY. SY denies it and tries to explain himself, but TS abruptly pushes him down and asks why SY looks like he wants to get punished. He then tells SY to go wash up so he can check on his hole.
Cut to our obligatory sex scene. While TS is fingering SY he remarks about how easy his fingers go in and asks if his Master has other dogs he's taking care of, and if he's been spreading him open to those other dogs. SY feels strange having TS scold him like this, and thinks about needing him inside ASAP. TS continues his dirty talk and teases SY that he's a pervert opening himself up to others like this and that his hole is gonna become loose soon. SY denies it and TS says "No? Then is your hole open only for me?" and SY blushes and replies "'Only for you', 'hole', 'open'...why do you keep saying those words you bastard?!" and then TS thrusts inside. While he fucks SY he tells him to open his throat to suck his fingers and says that SY is talented for being able to suck him from both his upper and lower mouths. Meanwhile SY tells TS that he doesn't like this but is thinking that TS is so deep that it looks like his stomach is popping out. TS touches SY's stomach and says "Your stomach is in the shape of my dick...why are you denying that you like it when you're taking me in so well?" and chapter ends with SY thinking [This is..weird..!] like he always does when he doesn't want to admit he likes something.
For all the Taeseung endgame haters out there...sorry to disappoint but they're still going strong, even with all of TS's possessive/manipulative behaviors. There's definitely future conflict between them that the author is setting up based on Taeseung's lies of omission, but I don't see any indication of a Minhyuk swerve or Sooyoung completely ditching TS as the ending. Also for anyone who keeps arguing that they don't like seeing SY hurt/abused during rough sex Sooyoung is a closet masochist and this chapter especially shows it. Though I'll admit that the author isn't doing the best job of establishing an actual S&M relationship between the two but there's def a clear discrepancy between SY's words, his actions, and his thoughts that point to him as someone who's insanely stubborn with his feelings and refuses to succumb to his base desires out of sheer pride. And finally, if SY doesn't like being called a dog he would've told TS to stop ages ago, but instead in the previous chapter he tells TS that if TS gets to call SY his dog then SY gets to call TS his puppy and that's where we are with that.

Short summary because I had a very stressful day at work today and don't have the brain power to explain all the scenes in detail. Sorryyy ┗( T﹏T )┛
After Sooyoung cums from being choked he admits to Taeseung that he was at his office and and saw TS laughing/smiling at someone and that's why he was annoyed. TS asks if SY came because he missed him and SY admits that yes, he did miss TS. Once they're in bed TS tells SY that the woman he saw was just a friend, and then asks if SY is hurt and SY says no, he's been through worse. And then that prompts a conversation about SY's past and his relationship with his uncle. It turns out his father is an abusive piece of shit and would ask SY to go bring his mother back or else he'll kill him. Turns out his mother is enjoying her own life with her own family and SY sits outside thinking that his father is gonna kill him since he can't bring his mother back home. His uncle ends up being the one to take care of him and that's why SY was at his grave site to see him.
Back in bed SY thinks about how lonely he was back then, and how he has someone in his arms now. SY asks TS to talk about himself and his past, and TS deflects saying it's nothing interesting. SY says he won't force TS to talk about it as long as he's not hiding any secrets (BUT HE IS!!). TS tells him to go to sleep and kisses him goodnight.
In this next scene Yawon outlines to Sangcheol about how there are 3 competing factions in this territory (The mayor who was introduced in ch 41 and his gang connections, Taeseung and his crew, and Zu Yu Long who was mentioned in ch 4) and that there's bound to be some movement happening soon. She hands SC a photo of one of the gang factions and it includes the familiar silhouette of a man without 2 of his fingers (guess who). Chapter ends with YW asking SC about the mole situation in TS's gang.

Since you're busy, I'll apply a few gap fillers too and some detail. TS called SY 'my puppy' when he's in bed with him but it's a term of endearment this time. You can probably guess from the expressions at the start but TS immediately regrets choking out SY and asks if he's okay.
With the flashback and the past, SY doesn't bring his mother back home because he sees she's enjoying her life, and there's no way he could ever bring her back to her father. He regrets that he was weak and he wasn't able to protect her, and regrets that he couldn't do anything. So he told himself that he would become strong.
TS says he's not hiding anything about the past, but it's been confirmed that the first person that TS ever killed was SY's father, so he's definitely hiding something and afraid SY will react badly if finding out (I mean it is kinda bad). SY does admit that his father is trash though, so perhaps the reaction may not be as bad as TS thinks, but the hiding from SY will likely hurt him more. That being said, although SY was taken care of sometimes by his uncle, it's been shown and implied that his uncle was also kinda trash, so it's not like he was superb either.
In the conversation with Yawon she confirms that Kangil is still alive. The three triads were fighting for power and originaly one of them was Kangil's leader, but TS broke the balance between them. Zhou Yu Long has entered Korea after realising that there is a power struggle between the triads. Yawon says that she isn't on anyone's side at the moment, because she doesn't know who's going to win the power struggle war, but since she's friends with TS personally, she will give him information about Zhou Yu Long. Which ends up being in the form of a photo to SC with Zhou Yu Long and Jisung (presumably).
There's also speculation that the scribbled signature from the previous chapter for who visited SY's uncle's grave is actually Jisung. It's implied that Jisung has gone to Zhou Yu Long to get revenge on TS.
Hope this helps fill in some gaps for you, articxs.

Making a post to clarify some common questions
Q: When is the next chapter coming out?
A: It is currently marked as 'hiatus' on the english verison of Lezhin so we don't know. It could be back tomorrow or it could be another week or so. The Korean version is updated regularly so you can buy the raws on Lezhin KR or find other places to read it.
Q: What's this about an audio drama and where can I listen to it?
A: To listen to the audio drama you'll need to download the 'DalVoice Plus' app ( https://binnieasmr.tumblr.com/dalvoice). It's easier to get it on Android devices than iOS. Once you have it downloaded you have to purchase 'honey' which is the point system that will let you buy each audio episode. Each episode is 20 honey and 100 honey = ~$10 USD. Highly recommend splurging because the voice actors are SO good, especially in the 19+ scenes hehehehe. ლ(´ڡ`ლ)
Q: Is this going to be a triangle? Who's the endgame?
A: Not currently a triangle because Minhyuk/Sooyoung is strictly one-sided. ML is currently Taeseung and will probably stay that way. You might have been fooled by TikTok, sorry.
Q: This is a really dark story, is it gonna get any better? I just want Sooyoung to be happy.
A: You and me both! But seeing the current direction I think it's gonna get worse before it gets better for him. This IS a story about gangsters and the dark shit they do after all.

Btw here's the link to the short part of their voices https://www.lezhin.com/ko/promotions/2021/legs-that-wont-walk

This one comes with a trigger warning so proceed with caution! SPOILERS BELOW
TW: Choking play/asphyxiation
Sooyoung comes back to his uncle's gravesite because he has nowhere else to go, seemingly still moody about seeing Taeseung interacting with Yawon. The building manager comes up to him and tells SY that someone from his family stopped by the altar earlier to bring flowers. The manager doesn't know the name of the person but says that she thinks it's family because only someone who can give personal information about the deceased and their relatives are allowed to visit the altar. She gives SY a list of the people who signed in and SY thinks it's his father (he thought he was dead), but isn't completely sure due to the signature being unidentifiable. Then he sees 13 missed calls from Taeseung and ignores the 14th one -- too annoyed to take the call.
But then in comes Taeseung and he asks SY why he didn't pick up his calls. SY yells that he doesn't want to see TS's face and tells him to leave. THEN we have TS kneeling down to SY and addressing him informally (normally he addresses SY by his full name, in this scene he drops it to 'Sooyoung-ah' which is how people who are close address each other). He tells SY that he was surprised to see him like this because he thought something else happened and proceeds to forcibly kiss him, and SY immediately pushes him away. SY tells him he's crazy for trying to do something like that in a place like this. TS agrees and tells SY to go home and take off his clothes as soon as he's there and says that SY won't have to look at his face if TS does it from behind. And then TS says that if SY tells him why he wasn't picking up his phone then he'll lessen his punishment. Of course SY is stubborn and refuses to tell TS that he's sulking because he saw TS laugh in front of YW and then we cut to some punishment sex.
While TS is fingering SY he makes comments about SY gaining weight in his lower half because he's been eating so well. He then asks SY again what's made him so stubborn and angry, and that he won't let SY sleep until SY tells him. SY meanwhile continues his stubborn streak and doubles down on refusing to tell TS the reason. SY says "I won't tell you even if I die" and this brings out a strong reaction from TS and he replies "Even if you die? You can't say things like that Sooyoung-ah" and proceeds to hold down his throat. SY starts thinking that he can't breathe, and it's a strange feeling. TS tells SY to breathe, and asks if SY is going to keep protesting. SY briefly breaks away from TS to breathe and thinks about how something like is supposed to be normal to hate, but for some reason SY keeps feeling strange about it. Then TS goes back to choking him and comments on how SY is so tight around him and that this is supposed to be a punishment and yet SY looks like he likes it a lot. SY thinks he can only feel TS going in and out of him, and that he wants this to stop because this feeling (of being fucked while choked) is too strange and then that feeling culminates when he cums hard when TS lets go of his throat. Chapter ends with SY taking some deep breaths as he waits for more (?)
Here we go, if you didn't think this series can get darker WELCOME to chapter 43. Definitely avoid if breathplay/choking is not your thing, but I love scenes that bring out SY's masochistic/honest side (as stubborn as he is) and opens him up to TS. I feel like he wanted this 'punishment' because it would've been SO easy to just tell TS how he felt, but there might have been a part of him that wanted to see TS's reaction instead and see how TS would punish him (he's had thoughts like this before in previous chapters). However as rough as this sex is I HOPE we get some kind of aftercare in the next chapter and not have SY just go straight back to work like nothing happened.
Until next chapter o/~

Fans should know what is kinky and BDSM before keep accusing rape rape rape and spam the comment section. It looks sooyoung hate it but he actually loves it. Taesung know his baby is masochist. I think sooyoung was jealous after he saw taesung talks to a woman. He love taesung spanks his butt.lol. but yeah season 2 looks even darker. Every chapter makes me afraid

Thanks for the details!! I personally love the rough physical interaction between TS and SY. This manhwa is going more into the kinky/BDSM side (not surprising) and I like how smooth the evolution is. People don't get it at all and keep saying it's abuse and rape. How tiring! These two are into each-other but have huge egos and are stubborn af about their feelings. One of them is broken and always had a masochistic side (boxing) while the other is a control and domination freak >> perfect combination for toxic relationship with raw/hardcore sex! And we're only seeing the basics of it with the spanking and the choking. Maybe we'll also get to see slapping and maybe some spitting as well but I don't think the author will go that far (too bad!). SY is confused while experimenting this because he is not used to it but he ends up enjoying it. TS knows it so he pushes the sex play further each time. TS is already crazy and mega-protective over SY. He won't let him go. SY also likes him since he even got jealous over a woman who only talked and smiled with TS. Their interaction is a pure delight for the shippers. I also liked how SY bit TS fingers when he put them in his mouth while kissing him. Power bottom is my favorite! Such a tough love (▰˘◡˘▰)

we get a new character introduced! SPOILERS BELOW as usual
Starts out with Sooyoung visiting his uncle's grave — he talks about how he's been doing well and eating well and that there's someone he's been seeing a lot nowadays (you know who XD). He says that that person is an unpredictable bully with a dirty personality but he he laughs well in front of Sooyoung. As Sooyoung leaves the site he notices the two bodyguards (arguing about letting Sooyoung in by himself) and gets alert, but it doesn't seem to be anything threatening.
In the car Sooyoung asks the driver to take him to Taeseung's company instead of back to TS's home. He thinks about how this will be the first time that he visits TS like this, and wonders if TS will like the initiative. When SY arrives at the building he feels nervous even though it's not his first time inside the place. He starts having doubts about being there and wonders if he should just go home since he'll see TS there anyway. Then he thinks about TS's potential reaction to seeing him here ("are you here because you miss me?") and blushes.
Cut to Taeseung coming out of the elevator with Sangchul chatting about business with a president Hwang and then SC mentioning that they're here already. Off to the side SY ends up hiding. He thinks to himself that he just needs to say one word, and as he's leaving his hiding spot to call out to TS he notices a woman approaching TS. The woman (her name is Hwang Ya Won) says it's been awhile and that it was rude of TS to suddenly hang up on her yesterday after saying what he had to say. They're a bit snarky with each other but the rest of their conversation is business-related and a bit of personal small talk -- she teases him about how he's grown into a charismatic gangster who meets all kinds of politicians. Taeseung notices that SY hasn't been responding to his texts and calls the driver asking where SY is. The driver says he that dropped off SY at TS's building 20 minutes ago. While this is happening Yawon mentions to TS that she knows he's seeing someone and wants to know who and TS tells her its none of her business. Then the driver tells TS he can't find SY and TS curses.
Back in the car SY thinks back to seeing TS interacting with YW and feels annoyed/jealous about seeing TS smiling at her.
I'm so interested to see more of Yawon's involvement with TS (business and personal) and how it affects SY's feelings (will we get a possessive SY???). Kind of disappointed that the meeting with SY's uncle was short though (I want more flashbacks!!) but hopefully that'll get weaved in at some point when it becomes clear how TS is involved with SY's uncle's death. Until next week~
The artist is officially moving to a 10-day release schedule to take care of her health so the next chapter will be out 5/11 (and then 10 days after that from then on). Not sure if this is the same for the English version but I would expect the delay to catch up once the chapters are caught up.