this was sos so sos sos sos soooo GGGOOODDDD!!!!!
the suspense WAS starting to annoy me tbh but im so happy with how it all unfolded!!
it was jus the perfect timing!!!!
but also the panel that says "his head was ripped off" i kept thinking of that tiktok sound saying "her arms were cut off her legs were cut off" and i was laughing my ass off

bro i loved the seme since the beginning but now im starting to notice some real sketch vibes.
i know the whole "giver" thing is mainly how he sees this but theres also smtn there.
sometimes he comes off as an asshole? im not so sure what it is abt him tbh

Yes yes yes! Honestly I feel like they will have a messy breakup and the seme is going to realize that he probably wanted a working relationship with him. At least I hope he realizes that he wants a relationship. I feel if he actually talked stuff out like what the uke wants then things would go smoothly but he’s really evasive.

can the uploaders pls agree on whos gonna upload??
i feel like theres 2 different uploaders and trying to figure out the uploads is confusing☹

Hi! There are two translations uploaded here.. the official and the fansub. The fansub are from our scans while the official trans were uploaded by three different uploaders(it doesn’t matter who gonna upload it since it’s the official). The previous chapter 15 was deleted coz it was a stolen translation and raw chap from spanish scan team. The previous chapter 13 was taken from other site, hence, its blurry and not revised so i uploaded the revised version only for temporary reading since official trans not yet released.
sa dowon is so HOTTTTTT AHHHHHH