BASICALLY this is the kind of stuff you would see in super intense, kinky hentai.
All the reviews are super accurate once you actually “read” it (I skimmed it on my end.)
So this ain’t the type of smut you typical read in here (And I’ve read a LOT of smut here of all different types.)
I repeat this is like mind-breaking-incesty-pedo hentai.

I’m glad people are commenting on the art and the dress. Cause this is not it sis.
The dress is not good but it’s made all the worse by the damn hair piece she has going on! Ugh!
I think it got bad once season 2 started, so maybe they switched artist or something???????? Idk fam, I’m not into it. And it’s sad because it’s such a great story too
Can someone tell me the secret of how to make your breath smelt like orchids?
Asking for a friend.
Genius comment. I wanna know tooooo