i h8 how youngha writes characters with fickled emotions. obviously this is how it's going to go, subin and hyeonwoo revives old tension then you guys are going to start rooting for hyeonwoo and then jun will try to fix their relationship but with hyeonwoo back in the picture, their back to their old tango again prior to hyeonwoo moving to america. yada yada then later on subin realizes jun is the one after the hyeonwoo lore and the readers now want hyeonwoo to subin to end up with. classic youngha formula. i've heard this song before

spoiler ahead
it's going to end in 6 chapters. since jiwon is a classic avoidant attachment he tried to avoid bongsoo in next chapter but bongsoo is a persistent puppy. more talking will happen, confrontation and communication will eventually happen. jiwon will cry bc of the mortifying ordeal of being known but bongsoo stays consistent on just giving unconditional love. finally jiwon let's go all of his fears and they became official. cue domestic scenes. and more spicy scenes. happy ending for the both of them.

oh my, i was thinking how will these two have a happy ending bc i just found out surrogacy is ILLEGAL in china. it's a recently hot topic rn in c-entertainment bc the chinese media just blacklisted an actress for it. i wonder how the author will handle the story. but since this is fiction i hope they don't include it as a conflict dfkgflkgd.

author just posted ch 12 on their twitter, you can check the replies for the translation: https://twitter.com/okmgmk/status/1353192867573817344?s=20
ppl getting angry at april update. it means the season ended. artist needs to rest too. releasing episodes weekly isnt easy. it's not a 9-5 job. sometimes they have to illustrate and render 15 hours a day. illegal readers are the most ungrateful ppl ive ever encountered.