rr. September 24, 2024 1:43 pm

yoooo what the heck i saw the raws and it ends in two chapters after this
NO >:[ i waNT A CHASING ARC ! man the sunbae is so down bad even until the end he's the one chasing until they got together

    Nymex September 25, 2024 2:39 pm

    Nah that's so unfair

rr. April 18, 2024 4:29 pm

yeah whtvr you rlly like jay so much so wanted to hurt him first so you wouldnt get hurt as well

rr. April 11, 2024 11:26 am

nvr beating the bl allegations

    Potato April 11, 2024 1:24 pm

    Author is literally pandering atp

    Howling Candy April 11, 2024 4:38 pm
    Author is literally pandering atp Potato

    Hard to break it to you the author writes bl stories soooo....

    rr. April 11, 2024 7:44 pm
    Hard to break it to you the author writes bl stories soooo.... Howling Candy

    i know?? lol

    Howling Candy April 12, 2024 5:23 am
    i know?? lol rr.

    That's why this is definitely gonna be bl or just cute shounen ai

    Potato April 12, 2024 6:49 am
    That's why this is definitely gonna be bl or just cute shounen ai Howling Candy

    I thought the author said that it wasn't tho there was a giant argument on some platform about these two and I heard that eventually they just came out and said that this isn't a bl,/shounen ai or have I got it confused

rr. March 19, 2024 5:30 am

it's just sex scenes but the plot (barely any at all at this point) compels me i have so many questions pleaaaaaase. let's move the narrative now. we got the point now. he's possessive over mc yadda yadda. I WANT THE LORE NOW. GIVE ME THE LORE

rr. February 11, 2024 2:17 pm

ml rlly loves yujin it's just his head is a bit messed up; he's also drowning in depression and it's rlly severe. they get into an accident. ml finally tells yujin that haram is a figment of his dream/imagination and the person who died that day by hit and run is just a stranger. yujin realizes at this point that he rlly can't stay by ml's side anymore bc his obsession with haram reminds him of his parent's obsession with church cult and how it destroyed his life and his family and he feels suffocated and he wants in his life for once, not to be tied down (by the cult, his family, ml's obsession with haram) and that ml needs serious professional help but it's not gonna be yujin.

ml accepts later on that he and yujin must go in separate ways. yujin focuses on his life and ml learns how to be healthy and happy.

they reconcile later, when ml finally looks healthier (he stops wearing black clothes and lesser eyebags) ml still loves yujin and supports his plays to the point when yujin was giving up on acting, ml encourages him to continue (despite the ml knowing he and yujin will not be together anymore) (also to point out this is them meeting again after not seeing each other for a long time).

after that, ml leaves but yujin thinks they at least deserve a second chance this time, a fresh start. he stops ml and tells him this. they hug. the end.

ml doesn't have his psychological burden anymore and rlly rlly cherish yujin (by actions, you'll see later in the manhwa) and i think ml getting his shit together was the only way for yujin to finally give him another chance of not breaking his heart.

    uriel February 18, 2024 12:48 pm

    brooo why do i feel something is missingggg, i don't like they need to be separatedddddd

rr. February 11, 2024 1:50 pm

ml is just rlly thick in the head lol he rlly loves the mc it's just that he has an unnamed mental disorder and probably emotion related since he was a child so he percieves emotions differently as seen in flashback chapters. he's sounds homophobic bc he doesn't rlly like the idea of mc with other men (bc bingo, he doesn't realize that the only man he wants to be in mc's life is him) he just thinks he's crazy and possesive over mc and he's calling it obsession. he doesn't realize he's just head over heels for mc. he doesn't even know he's gay himself l.

rr. January 10, 2024 6:47 pm

hosik's an unreliable narrator tho, them sleeping together was explained on sungyeon's pov and everything else negative connotation he has towards sungyeon ㅡ his imagination rlly runs wild as he tends to always thinks the worst case scenario (like meeting his mother in law and thought she will be against their marriage or when he told sungyeon he was pregnant and the reason sungyeon can't believe he's pregnant bc he doesn't want a child but turns out it's bc he has low count sperm disorder which was hinted that it might be heridetary as sungyeon's parents had a hard time concieving him too so sungyeon wanted to confirm first with the doctor if he can possibly fathered a baby. the examples goes on and on and on tbh. it's the running gag of the comic.)

rr. December 29, 2023 3:59 pm

i'm going to be real honest with you guys you lot arent obviously familiar with bl tropes in chinese media. they love forbidden couples. adoptee father being pursued by younger guys is just a normal trope there. if this isnt your cup of tea then move on and drop this. the bl undertone will nvr go away no matter how many times you yap in the comment section. it is intentional and keeping it PG and vague is also intentional as well. since it can be left under the reader's interpretation of what they assume the relationship of the wolf dad and the puppy bc it can fly under censorship radar of china.

rr. December 21, 2023 6:09 am

eh gibaek is a scum, through and through. it's not he need to make up his mind. he just likes attention and siru is giving it to him. he's also somewhat insecure towards cheong. based on the raws, he went out on a date with siru to solidify his position as siru's crush. but he's not rlly sincere about it. siru can feel it too but not aware of what she's feeling is insincerity. her monologue is "she's supposed to be happy that gibaek is somewhat reciprocating but she doesn't feel happy at all how gibaek is approaching her. it felt too smooth like he already did it countless of times."

the season ended with gibaek forbidding siru to being friends at all with cheong, if she does he will date her. like whaaaaaaaaaaat. he's hanging the word you will date me like a carrot to siru and siru feels conflicted. she's so confused bc she doesn't understand gibaek's actions at all. (bc most likely gibaek is in one sided competition with cheong, it's not rlly about siru. it's about being better than cheong. and gibaek cant stand siru choosing cheong over and over again even by accident.)

the chapter ends with siru and her class cleaning a classroom that's full of mess and siru ends up cutting her hand (like rlly big cut) so she gets escorted by cheong on a diff classroom so they can patch it. cheong is urging siru to go the hospital bc he's rlly worried. and siru is like, you don't have to worry about me and asked cheong why are you doing this (like why is he being kind towards siru). and cheong's answer is because this is what i want to do. (SEE THE DIFFERENCE with gibaek???? cheong has no other ulterior motive. he's kind to siru bc he wants to be kind to her.)

gibaek then comes to the classroom where the ppl are cleaning up and wants to help but seeing siru is not around he asked where she is. and when he saw siru and cheong together he got rlly maaaaaaaaad. and started giving siru the ultimatum. him or cheong.

and cheong was like 'bro??? siru is hurt????? cmon' and siru got fed up bc (nonverbatim) what is wrong with gibaek!!!! when she confessed to him, gibaek drew a line and said they will be staying as friends. siru has alrdy made peace with it but gibaek's sudden change of heart is rlly confusing her and creeping her out. bc from staying to friends then to gibaek suddenly making her choose, if it's gibaek or cheong.

siru screamed at gibaek that cheong is better than gibaek (that's my girl)

and then the class went in to the empty classroom siru cheong and gibaek staying at bc they were supposed to have a pizza party after cleaning up and witnessed siru screaming cheong is better than gibaek while holding gibaek up with her two hands like she's about to beat him up.

rr. December 21, 2023 5:18 am

this was good on s1 idk how far it fell off in current season so i already looked around to see how it will end

current arc seems fillery but after all the slow burn non plot related things sihyun (hajin's soul) rmmbrs all the og sihyun's memories and now he knows who is og sihyun's sponsor (lover actually but since the memories were vague plus hostile rumors, from reader's perspective and hajin's pov we thought it was a sponsor) it was actually jaeha, the leader of another group band called FLOW. the band already appeared some old chapters ago. basically jaeha was brimming with envy bc og sihyun was full of potential and was kind and generally a shining person and he knew og sihyun liked him. he hated og sihyun so much he pretended he liked him back and kept him in a tight leash. that's where the og sihyun's downfall started. since he trusted and loved jaeha so much, he let the abuse go far (being sold for sponsorship and being s/a-ed in return multiple times by ppl who bought him and jaeha watched as this happens bc he gaslighted sihyun to do it)

so basically sihyun (hajin's soul) wants to take revenge for og sihyun. a scandal will broke out uncovering all the dirty things jaeha has done (drugs, sex with married women, etc..) and jaeha becomes paranoid. sihyun pretends he sympathize with jaeha and the only person who cares about him like the way jaeha pretended he cares about og sihyun while also being his abuser at the same time. jaeha becomes the prey now as sihyun hunts him (metaphor)

end game is daejun, the loan shark guy. he was helping throughout the revenge. at some point sihyun (hajin) will acknowledge that daejun alrdy knows he is hajin in sihyun's body

    Ramerald December 21, 2023 6:00 am

    Wah, thx for the spoilers (๑•ㅂ•)و✧ rlly needed this. Its getting hard to keep reading this when they keep sidetracking. Im glad my curiosity is solved now

    MashiroHana December 21, 2023 5:17 pm

    really thanks for the spoiler! i really need it. btw can i know where you get the spoiler. do they have novel or something?

    kuku December 22, 2023 12:53 pm

    Finally something on this story

    helvetica December 22, 2023 10:03 pm

    You’ve reignited my interest in this series thank you ;;

    I’m glad my death grip on any idol manhwa has allowed me the chance to see this comment and continue.

    Also we love daejun. Gangster x idol was not an expected ship I would like, but I love it for some reason lol

    Also if they change anything, I’m gonna be pissed. Like, they’ve been giving that black-haired cardboard cutout way too much screen time recently.

    Ami03 December 31, 2023 3:23 am

    I’m sick to my stomach, to think he was treated this badly and even though I alr know to be reminded after so many “filler” chapters is mad icl

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