What are your opinions about bl/yaois that include rape as the plot point?
I'm readinggg all of your commmentsss, thank you for your opsss
It's not okay. Neither is liking and excusing a rapist. "It's Just Fiction" Yeah so what? At the end of the day, you're still defending a rapist and glorifying rape. I have never seen a good rapist redemption arc, it's either the victim being like "He raped me... but why is my heart beating..?" or the rapist saying sorry once and then be exempt of all responsibility. I call it lazy writing, I don't even care about hurting the author's feelings, as much as I am thankful that they poured effort into this, they are still romanticising one of the worse things a human being can do for another simply because they want to draw sex. People who enjoy rape stories aren't okay either. Come at me if you want, so please, go ahead and try to defend why you like rape.
some ppl like psychological stuff, or got raped and to cope with that they developed a rape fetish.. its goes on and on. everyone has their own situation to read rape stories or any other taboo things. that been said,, i usually dont like rape in yaoi and bl, most of the authors dont do it smartly. like if we got some rape scene i wanna see major character changes after that. i wanna see some tragic emotions etc. but they do it to make it "twisted" which makes no sense. and in fact the best psychological stories usually have rape/incest or any taboo things in it. so idk im ok with everything, but im not ok with hurting other ppl just bc they read/enjoy rape stories.
For me it depends...there are a lot of things to consider. If a story included rape and treated it as the disgusting and traumatizing thing it is, maybe trying to give a good psychological insight of the charachters involved, then it just means the author wanted to work with a heavy subject and address some real life issues, nothing wrong with that (and you usually only find this type of approach when the protagonist is a rape victim of someone else other than the love intrest). On the other hand there are also authors that create absurd or comedic scenes in which one of the charachters says things like "oh no please stop" while obviously enjoying everything about it, and there really isn't any intention to portray a traumatic or harmful experience. In these cases none of the charachters is put through sufferings nor physically nor psychologically and the reason the author chose to make one of them resist is more something like "I don't want to admit how much I like it but I really want it" instead of "I really wish you would stop". (Also it can represent a sexual fantasy for some readers if done under safe conditions as these). Obviously the "rape" portrayed in these scenes has nothing to do with what happens in real life and to me that has always been very obvious. The reason why I can read these type of stories is because you can tell the author created a situation where the reader knows what both parties are actually thinking and what they actually want despite the things they say, so there's no harm intended in any way (but this is obviously just my opinion). Aside from these two cases, every other use of the rape trope to me makes no sense. Writing a story in which one charachter goes through any of the real harms associated with rape or abuse and then solving everything with a "but I still love him" without making any effort to build a serious redemption arc (which is also a truly truly delicate matter if you don't want to convey the wrong message) is not only dumb, but totally unnecessary, harmful and just makes me realize that both the people who wrote it and the readers who approved it are in for everything as long as it's entertaining and dramatic. It's like people want the thrill of charachters who make great mistakes because of their problems but no one wants to deal with the consequences, no one wants to make the rapist accountable of his actions because then you would have to admit he's a fucking monster just like the ones in real life and if you do so you won't have the happy ending you wished for while looking for a romance story.
Veryyy on pointtttt!!! I agree that it really depends on what the authors really want to convey with the story and a well-written redemption arc is a must. On the other hand, in real life rape, should and will always be taken seriously, rapist should be held accountable and rot in jail.a cornered jail with no windows and contact with outside would be a good thing.
HUHUHU THIS HAS COME TO AN END NOOOOOO!!! I WANT TO SEEEE MORE OF THEIR LIVING TOGETHERR SCENES!!! alzoooo i really really loveeee howw the title has been used in the last panel sooo sooo MUCHHHH!!!! and them beinng loveydoveyyyy I can’t itttsa tooo muchh for my heartttt