Boy sooo rich he has a space craft HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHA OWEN CARD
The author is killing meeeee with those end pic waaaaaa
I'm just reading why I feel much hurt than them bruhhh Im brawling in tearsss EARLY IN THE MORNING. HENDERSON should not marry dammm Martha is still there waaaaaa,
Just read past 5 chapter and you can catch up on what's happening doumki is back as you know
Thank you for the effort
Little Mo nickname isn't giving with that last pic he be little sluty sexyyy ughhhhh
Please leave my White hair guy alone Normallll if your not the end game anywayy waaaaaaaaaaa
Hail for the princess kyaaaaa
Mah boy TJ someone is catching uppppp
BECAUSE OF YOU! YOU QIYU YOU! Your a real curseeeeee
Boy sooo rich he has a space craft HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHA OWEN CARD