man jiho clearly told the green hair guy he needs someone who will love him and only him and that’s absolutely not what green hair was doing the audacity of him to blame jiho for their relationship never moving forward when there was no foundation for a real relationship to start in the first place …. its clear he couldn’t commit and once he realized he did have feelings he tried to blame jiho. and yea of course it doesn’t feel good when you feel like you’re forced to hide who you are... but that’s just victim blaming lol, literally a victim of society. why would you even want to pressure someone you like to come out anyways? when you’re dating someone you compromise with each other, and if you truly can’t you’re just incompatible. plus his actions never gave jiho any sort of support or comfort for him to believe he could come out and it would be ok. jiho needed his family’s love and was scared to lose it, and green hair guy was selfish and didn’t care. obviously jiho had no confidence in their relationship because they weren’t even dating ?? sorry but i truly don’t get some of the ppl who said jiho has some fault. also even tho i said all this i don’t mind if we keep seeing green guy cuz it’d be interesting if there’s character growth but anyways i hope inwoo and jiho heal together