this isn’t the character’s problem this is the author’s problem because what kinda dumb reason nobody communicated in this manga lol love the art tho
honestly he’s probably just anxious since gyeonwoo’s focus isn’t only on him anymore
finally i love these 2 so much!!! and my baby eito crying was so heartwrenching this ticks every angst box in my book
[WARNING]: Most of these mangas have rape. So, its your choice if u read it.
• My list works like this, if there is more than one couple in the manga then Ill put a"♡" symbol and the # of couples in that story. After descriptions, if they have they have their own Chapter, They will have a #.
• +include Chaps:# are ones i couldnt fit.
• Some of these i scanned though. Some descriptions might be wrong sorry!
Part 2:
man jiho clearly told the green hair guy he needs someone who will love him and only him and that’s absolutely not what green hair was doing the audacity of him to blame jiho for their relationship never moving forward when there was no foundation for a real relationship to start in the first place …. its clear he couldn’t commit and once he realized he did have feelings he tried to blame jiho. and yea of course it doesn’t feel good when you feel like you’re forced to hide who you are... but that’s just victim blaming lol, literally a victim of society. why would you even want to pressure someone you like to come out anyways? when you’re dating someone you compromise with each other, and if you truly can’t you’re just incompatible. plus his actions never gave jiho any sort of support or comfort for him to believe he could come out and it would be ok. jiho needed his family’s love and was scared to lose it, and green hair guy was selfish and didn’t care. obviously jiho had no confidence in their relationship because they weren’t even dating ?? sorry but i truly don’t get some of the ppl who said jiho has some fault. also even tho i said all this i don’t mind if we keep seeing green guy cuz it’d be interesting if there’s character growth but anyways i hope inwoo and jiho heal together
i stopped at ch 18 cuz it just felt like we were only watching him search for the locations to write the scenes from the system and it’s like who knows if he actually has skill too without the system .. them calling him a genius doesn’t make sense.. honestly the art is decent but there’s no plot tbh
backstory is lame and fl misunderstanding/making up stuff makes no sense at all… like i don’t remember but didn’t the ml not have any feelings for the other girl at all? and icb the brother disappeared for that lame reason
i have a feeling that anthony lied abt what happened to christopher and instead maybe he did smth to christopher
ngl like everyone just keeps commenting the same thing abt how it focuses too much on the game and they’re bored but like it’s just that type of story obviously … just read smth else tbh. also gaming is super big in korea so
they’re not gonna officially meet irl for a year in the manhwa guys chill
literally the stupidest shit i’ve ever read like the plot is so dumb and forced, first of all mc gets framed and doesn’t defend himself and when he does they don’t even believe him lol so no point, also where was the proof he even did it besides an employee “seeing it” lmao… and then when he goes to find a job they’re still interacting for no reason like why do u even still like him when he’s treating u like shit, and the ml is so ugly and annoying too cuz why are u throwing all ur money down at him lmao and the way he somehow dropped his wallet? like how. it’s so forced and then the way he let the employee misunderstand that the mc “robbed him” is so stupid lol. and when the employee broke the rules abt keeping it a secret all he did was say don’t do it again lmao. like no punishment at all. also cuz why is the ml(?) pushing someone with a fractured shoulder on the bed and in ur car all rough ?? like if he actually had one then he’d be in a lot more pain … and then the way he forces the mc to come to his house ??? to makeup for making him lose his job but he could’ve just got him another job somewhere like he’s a rich ceo for a reason? and then he tells the mc he hates being uncomfortable by having him live there and to hurry up and find a place to live when he’s the one that forcibly brought him there …. like that’s literally all in the first 5 chapters … anyways the writing is so ass and it’s not the mc’s fault lmaooo not y’all victim blaming him too. i just couldn’t believe that guy was still the ml like there’s no way mc needs to get out of this whole manhwa