heru just dropped (also his boths his eyes represent the sun and the moon according to egypt myth) I CANT WAIT FOR UPDATES THIS JUST GOT MORE INTERESTING IM SO INVESTED
not really and if you want (its actually spoilers or better yet a peek to whats to come) but the hieroglyphs behind some panels or in the panels can be translated to english and it actually reveals some of the plot
heru is actually their fifth brother we dont know the history yet but the hieroglyphs say they have a fifth brother which according to egyptian myth is heru or horus the elder
according to them in season 2 hieroglyphs, it was already stated that “they are not getting married” in the bg when hathor visited isis and congratulated her for getting the throne back
it was also said that ra was not ra’s only name
during the time when seth’s sand seemed to move without seth doing anything, it said ra went asleep and was waiting for something
it was also said that horus’ intuition belongs to the sun (i figured that when ra went asleep thats when horus’ intuition vanished but idk how true is that)
from some chapters, it said horus witnessed his brothers and seth killed his brother
according to others, the latest chapters in the cave suggests that horus stole something and he died. im not sure if im remembering right, it is also said that seth was the one to kill horus and isis saved him by giving birth to him again and also one heiroglyphs says seth loves horus :’) if you want to find out more or to see upcoming translations of the heiroglyphs you can check @/LazuliLotus on X
idk bout yall but i came here expecting no plot and full corn