I have fallen for he tian, other readers have fallen TOO. WATS WRONG WITH YOU MAN

Look from Mo's POV. He may already be attracted to He Tian but he can't possibly act any other way towards him.
Mo is always reactive to He Tian and how Mo sees the other boy?
- He Tian treats him as a pet, not like a friend. We see this because everything they do is not a choice for Mo, it's He Tian forcing and bossing him.
- We know Mo fears He Tian - the other boy is stronger than him and beats him 'for the slightest provocation'. We know Mo is afraid of He Tian because that was basically the whole deal about Mo comparing He Cheng to the same feeling of danger.
- Mo once said that He Tian was the kind of person he hated the most: rich people who think they can use other people and He Tian's behavior only reinforces this.
- Mo has said he doesn't like to be anybody's monkey so He Tian humiliates him every time he show off that he can do what he wants with Mo, including forcing him to wear a pair of earrings by arm twisting him. Can you see anyone holding you down and forcing you to wear for them you thinking that's because he likes you?
Even the good things He Tian does for Mo doesn't compensate the good because from Mo POV, He Tian's wants to show power over him and keep his toy.
Mo however is totally reactive to He Tian and we see that as soon as He Tian drops his bully and asshole act, Mo reacts with care and concern. The few times we saw Mo warming up was after He Tian acted with tenderness.
So I can really understand how Mo can't let his guard down because he can't possibly imagine He Tian likes him for anything else but clean his house, cook his food and be someone he likes to show off he can dominate and toy with like a cat playing with a mouse.

I love how it's between the two of them the teasing and all ,but I gotta say that was on point
you connected all the dots in a very solid sensible analysis so bravoo really

Im a simple fujoshi∠( ᐛ 」∠)_
i see very hot bro and another bad ass bro, then i ship them.

op were saying they ship he cheng (he tian's bro) with this new mafia dude (brother qiu). not that they shipbrother qiu with jian yi.. that'd be gross considering jian yi is hella underage from him and like you said jian yi has zhan zheng xi lol.
Anyone noticed that the motel looks like the one in "Make me bark" manhua ?!!!???
Yes! It looks like they used the same tree wall paper.
When I first saw it, I was like "eh dude I know this wp", so that's where it came from :')