1. Young Jo had no option but to stop going to the hospital because Seung Gyu meant it when he said he'd leave if she kept visiting. We have seen from his previous actions that he has low self-esteem and is quite capable of extreme self-sacrifice.
2. She mentioned how nobody believed that he talked that night because he was unconscious for a long time after that, which means she was keeping track. Also, she said that when he was released, she went to the hospital to find out where he went. From the context, we can guess that he didn't leave a forwarding address.
3. The first thing she says when she goes into the restaurant and sees Seung Gyu is "Found you", which means she's been looking for him ever since he got released from the hospital (about 3 years) and didn't know where he was.
4. Yes, she dated another guy for a year. As she put it, he was kind and she was going through a lot of shit - trauma from rape for which she was seeing a psychiatrist, pursuing a rape case against Min that she eventually lost because the court decided that they were dating and she went to the motel with him voluntarily, hostile work environment where people sneer, talk behind her back and spread rumors, not having anyone to talk to except her father who is in bad health (after she broke her friendship with Lumina). So yeah, she took what support was offered to her and tried to move on but as she said, it ended just like that, because she couldn't.
5. Now, coming to her declaration to Seung Gyu that their relationship is over, I think it's because now that she finally found him and he is willing to sit across from her and talk to her, she doesn't want him to run away. The reason that Seung Gyu wanted them to break up was because his injuries would make it impossible for him to live a normal life and he doesn't want to drag Young Jo into such a life. Hearing him explain them now, that is still true. So, to slowly get closer to him without threatening him, she makes an offer that is not too attractive. She is asking him to go back to the same role that he had prior to his accident after almost 5 years, but she's doing her best to make it sound as bad as possible and something no one else would likely take up.
6. When he laughs and says she is a bad boss, you see the shining light and flowers around him. I think that's how Young Jo actually sees him. Also, the last panel show how delighted she is when he shows up in the office.
Based on all this, I think she is basically luring him slowly back in and that she has absolutely no intention of giving up on him.
2021-06-20 19:49 marked
Everyone's misunderstanding the ending