I think 'devushka' is a bit odd word to use when you refer to a young lady. 'Devushka' literally means 'a young woman'. 'Gospozha' (miss) or 'yunaya gospozha' (little miss) would be better, although in real Russian aristocratic-wanna-be family servants most likely would use just 'Tatiana' (and be very polite) or 'Tatiana' + patronym (e.g. Tatiana Alexandrovna), which is considered formal and respectful.
Anyway, thank you for translating this comic!
That plot twist was very shallow and cheap. I don't mind stories about rape, but I mind sympathizing with a rapist, and that is what author clearly wants reader to do. Not to mention, there was only a terribly poor build-up for the "overloving" turn. It would be way too difficult to make the story good given all the 4 translated chapters.
What a shame, I really enjoyed that calm atmosphere of the garden and rain, especially when performed with such a neat screentoning and fine linework. If only it was one of those "on fence" BL mangas, when you get slivers of friendship at best!
Hell yeah, new Summer's work!