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minji March 12, 2021 5:54 pm

i can manifest a man like director kang into my life...

minji February 28, 2021 6:25 pm

why do manhwas so often switch the story to focus on a 2nd couple once the 1st couple gets together? it feels like that's the direction we're going in and i'd much rather see more of kanghyuk and yoojun easing into their relationship.

    TianShan February 28, 2021 7:07 pm

    Ikr?! I personally hate when they do it
    ( ̄^ ̄) I’m always so deep in relationship of the main couple that I can’t switch and empathize with another. And most times I’m just skipping.

    Now spoiler alert

    I’ve read raws till the end and fortunately there won’t be a lot of chapters about second couple. Like about 3 or 4.

    minji February 28, 2021 7:12 pm
    Ikr?! I personally hate when they do it ( ̄^ ̄) I’m always so deep in relationship of the main couple that I can’t switch and empathize with another. And most times I’m just skipping.Now spoiler alert I... TianShan

    i hate it too! it's so unnecessary. is it because the author feels like they need to spice things up or else readers won't be interested? i would honestly read hundreds of chapters of kanghyuk and yoojun just being super domestic cause i love their relationship dynamic. ㅠㅠ and thanks for the spoiler...that makes me feel better lol

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