Unpopular opinion Janette doesn't deserve the hate she gets, she hasn't done anything bad atleast not till now. Like idek what people expect her to be, but straight up bashing her , saying really weird shit about her is just fucking weird. Imagine being in her position, in a family where u feel excluded , the only Reason u r there is so they can use u, anyone would want a picture perfect family. Was she supposed to know that her dad did some voodoo shit on her uncle? No , no one knew until like Lucas. I don't want her character to go to waste and I genuinely want her and athy to be the bestest of friends. Janette deserves better, they boy she liked even likes her cousin and she knows it and didn't say shit because she doesn't want to hurt them, and how is she supposed to know that all the huge conspiracy that is going on? Like no one has any idea what's even going on , not even the MC athy.

ikrrrr. ppl say she's annoying cause she's clueless with everything but everyone needs to remember that she was originally written like a pushover cowardly girl and the plot only changed because of the transmigrator who took over athy's body. if you think about it, almost all of the characters' personalities didn't change at ALL and only their treatment over athanasia. all of the attention which is originally for jeanette's all went to athy and thats it. she's literally innocent i dont understand the hate towards her. she's just a child who wants to have a family. GAHHHHH JEANETTE SLANDER IS SO NOT COOL

How would she even realize it, like let's look at this , the Duke has always said that they would be a happy family, athy ,Claude and her, she was kept isolated her whole life being manipulated, how is she supposed to know, though she is breaking out of that she'll now, who knows if she might cause something in the future purposefully, but untill then hating her like this is unjustified

Okay I am ngl the comment section is making me want to drop this, like the hate towards the new female character is so stupid, like we don't even know who she is , or the white haired character , bruh tf is with the whole slut shaming, who knows how will which character turn out , but what's up with the stupid unnecessary hatred, like I am pretty sure if this was a male character it wouldn't have had this kind of a reaction,

And omfg I am so tiered of people being like why is she boring or not badass, tf , how do u expect this to be badass, do u want her to karate chop her colleagues or something? This is supposed to be realistic to somewhat extent, about how their characters are developing, people are boring irl , no one's '' interesting" or interesting in the way y'all want. Also, if u don't like it then drop it.
Arth is an amazing ml, he cares for her and loves her and would do anything for her, and most importantly she loves her.