Gunner created a topic of Knight of the Red Curse

a mask/helmet kink bl... this is 5 star

Gunner created a topic of Bluelock

I hope the Manshine vs FC is just brief, I wanna see the salary and everyone's reaction to Isagi winning and also Rin's POV... I don't want to wait for another chapter for this

Gunner created a topic of Bluelock

Kaiser and Isagi agreed to each other to kill their feelings for the sake of the goal BUT Kaiser still have lingering feelings to Ness that's why he wasn't able to see the change in his ego, it's like he came back from his previous self for a second there... I bet he'll be so pissed at himself next chapter

Gunner created a topic of Eternally Regressing Knight

this is bullsht MC should've just tell the husband the truth, it's just too cruel to let the husband keeps hoping his wife is still alive, even keeping the reward with a straight face lmao

Gunner created a topic of Eternally Regressing Knight

I'm still chapter 10, can someone tell me why the Mc's squadmates are so concerned of him even tho he is still weak, they changed their attitude when near him, I'm kinda liking each of them already lol

I think I'm liking this too much lol
anyways Rifen is so hot it's rare to read a manhwa where the mc is so buff

this is actually so good, the whole trope about regression and reincarnation have been so overused that whenever i read something and found something cliche with the dialogues and story I always put them down immediately... but this one is surprisingly interesting lol

I fcking hope there's no 3rd party on that field trip arc, coz I'm fcking tired of those tropes...

Gunner created a topic of Bluelock

why is every goddamn chapter all jumbled up??? who is the uploader???

Gunner created a topic of Bluelock

Isagi will def evolve and proved that he's a genius too BUT his evolution will be a little too late and PXG will still score

Gunner created a topic of Moby Dick

now this is a great pornhwa... the mc is hot and the girls are hot too.
I'm so tired of those twink kpop looking mc's in other pornhwa lol

Gunner created a topic of Bluelock

"Don't get too ambitious, don't try to be a genius" yup Isagi is losing this lol

8 more chapters I bet

who TF is the uploader??? why bother uploading it empty, if ur not even gonna upload the chap?? I'll read it somewhere not in ur shit site

Gunner created a topic of Bowblade Spirit

Chapter 1-15, really good set-up but then it got sloppy and rushed...
--those tribe characters only met the mc for like 2 chapters and they're treating him like a boss lol
--that Mossad character barely got any screentime and dev but we're supposed to feel sad with his death, sacrificing for mc? lmao
--after Mossad died, mc went berserk like his family member died and decided to destroy the tribe, after that mc walks away, and suddenly the vice chief of that tribe are saying his goodbye to mc with tears??? be fr it doesn't make sense like cmon it was ur valuable tribe where yall gave ur heart
--artsyle is good tho
--I hope this shit gets good but I'm done for tonight lol

I'm so glad the author goes to the most simple route to take this issue between Marin and Gojo, I love this so much.

I mean just look at it, it only takes a couple of chapters for this drama lol if this was other romance if would take a lot more before this was resolve

Gunner created a topic of Tongari Boushi no Atelier

Am I the only one who always wants to see Brimhats showing up? The story always gets too intense whenever they're in and they're so cool too

anyway Garuga and Atuarto is so cute I hope I get to see them again

Gunner created a topic of Bluelock

so Kaiser and Rin fall on the same type huh waiting for Isagi to cook something up