Gay app to find gay partner. At work, replying the message at the app. Turns out to be his boss. I dont remember if its his boss or just his co worker. It think its a co worker but not boss. Idk. Then, he used to just go having sex with random people that has big dick and muscles such as abs and arm muscles. I dont remember what manhwa is this, but its at work manhwa. Or maybe its just a manga..? And he always arrived at work late. So one day when he meet with his boss at a hotel, he was very shocked and saying that he doesnt want to do it because its his boss. But his boss says that they should just have sex because they have come to an agreement in the gay app. Then they end up doing sex. The next day, he go to work late but his boss is early as usual. So the boss is teasing him because he go to work late but the boss can go to work early in the morning. Ouh and i remember that they always fighting with each other everyday. But after the day they had sex, the other employees watch them fighting but said, "what happen to them? Its like they're not fighting.." And thats all the thing that i remember. Please someone tell me whats the manhwa thats similar to this. Is it My Suha? Or something else? Thank you!!
Damnn, people down there need to chill a bittt. Or is it because yall finished reading this that your brain lack functions too? Jokes aside, what goes around comes around. Treat people how you want to be treated too. Don't go wondering why people can't be nice to you etc etc. Peace I'm outta this toxic comment section