guys this was so fucking cute omfg. like pls- the age gap was literally not an issue at all bc everything was LEGAL THANK GOD, i did not feel like reading another version of onii-chan (harada) lmfao

Hmm you are right but i just wanna correct you that the uke does have feelings to the seme when he was younger although he did not pursue it so in my opinion its not pedo or bad at all, anyway its not like they made a promise that they would be in a relationship once the kid is an adult so its not grooming too, and the uke did voice out his feelings when the seme was old enough thus giving the act of pursuing still giving the seme an option tho stated in the letter. That's all thank you for reading my midnight babble ^^

THERE IS NO RAPE SCENE GUYS BUT THERE IS SOME SEXUAL HARASSMENT- but lee hyuk being super wasted thinks its inseo touching him so he's okay w it- basically boss man doesn't do anything other than feel his stomach n lick a nip until lee hyuk calls out for inseo which i think turns him off (lol im not fluent in korean yet so don't like quote me on this) then they're seen walking in the street when inseo finds them and takes lee hyuk home. while sleeping in his bed lee hyuk thinks that what his boss did to him was a dream and wakes up to see inseo lying down next to him and is staring at him, after that they have a little argument bc inseo gets mad at lee hyuk for being reckless (again don't quote me on this) and lee hyuk is ofc confused bc he doesn't remember much ab last night n thinks inseo is over reacting. then inseo starts trying to kiss lee hyuk on his neck n do "it" (sex lol) but lee hyuk isn't having it so he punches inseo n decides to leave but before he makes it out the door inseo hugs him from behind and apolgizes- lee hyuk asks him a question and that's where the latest chapter ends
again plsssss remember im not totally fluent in korean and my summary isn't 100% accurate!!

it's so funny to see ppl hating on the fl- like lmao what did y'all expect, the title literally says how she CAME to like her male friend indicating that it's most definitely gonna be a bumpy ride before she finally realizes that she likes him. it's like that show how i met your mother- i mean it took 9 whole seasons before we got to find out who ted married lololol

mmm idk bud- i think it is ab her liking him or not lol, i mean that's kinda the whole plot lmfao. so while i don't think u got the context of my comment, i will say that yes it definitely is normal to just not like someone! n i get that it's always ur right to have ur own opinions- be it good or bad- but i was just making a point to the people who are being overly harsh on the fl's character bc they should've already expected her type of personality from the beginning. ofc ur opinions are still valid but i think ppl should hold off on the really rude and disgusting things they're saying about the character

The funny thing is that when the anime Ouran High School Host Club clearly stated that they were using the taboo nature of the twins homosexual tendencies towards eachother (basically exploiting their insinuated incest) for profit, people loved & enjoyed it, and even made fan fics etc that barely got any hate or complaints about fetishizing incest, but when it comes to this manga so many people decided to be all high and mighty and were like "ew no this is fucking disgusting and y'all need serious help if u enjoyed this". like bruh if ur gonna hate and harass ppl for liking this story then i better see that same energy for ouran wtf- and also pls remember that ur no better than the ppl who liked this story bc UR LITERALLY READING THIS ON AN ILLEGAL WEBSITE WHICH IS JUST AS BAD IF NOT WORSE. n yea fiction does affect reality in some cases but as someone below me said "ITS NOT GONNA GO AND PUSH SOMEONE TO GO FUCK THEIR SIBLING" know ur difference from fucking fiction to reality n fuck off if u didn't like the story.
i would've loved it if the author had expanded on this story ngl but whatevs i enjoyed this heh