You can't give what you don't have, and honestly? I came here looking for an actual genius character, foolish from me, I know, but I somehow had hopes... And got a dude using Bayes rule, one of the easiest rules in probability, wrongly, without actually taking in count that Bayes rule applies to a numerical set from 0 to 1, not in a percental scale... And he used percental scores to get such probability, and quite frankly, this ruined my whole mood... ( ̄∇ ̄")
THEN, they portrait a" Highly intelligent" character as an single facetic individual who is unable to do anything competently but their ONLY field of interest, which is, if I'm allowed to say, IRRESPECTFUL and, ignorant.
Completely disappointed... Σ(  ̄□ ̄||)

Youngha wasn't that bad, like, I feel bad for him... And before the whole blackmail shit... The part where he left him harshly, trying to protect Chanbit... That wasn't that bad... Like, I get it( ̄∇ ̄")... I've been harsh towards someone I've loved on order to protect them.... BUT YEAH, THE BLACKMAIL AND AFTER PART WAS REALLY BAD, THO...

Is it bad for me to not think they are that crazy?, like, Shion really loved and admire him and Shirakawa (I think that's the seme's name) was just protecting him, like any normal human... Please don't fry me in the comments, keep in mind that I ask because it's really hard for me to understand other people's feelings and I'm kind of confused why the word "crazy" keeps popping up... ┗( T﹏T )┛

You're not wrong. They aren't crazy
Their obsession is what is twisted. Like they're crazy to the point that they can do anything for eachother and that fact alone is the very reason they can never leave their relationship.
One enjoys when the other fights for him and the other want to always be viewed as perfect
Turns out, when I say I don't wanna be in a relationship, nor get married, I mean to not be in a relationship like my queerphobic abusive parents... I REALISED AS I READ THIS THAT, FUCK, DO I WANT TO HAVE SOMEONE TO MARRY ME IN A HEALTHY WAY... Worst part? I specifically looked for bl or gl married couples' stories, bc, you know, they tend to have all that anxiety I feel when I think about having a relationship, considering I'm not specifically STRAIGHT... LIKE SHIT, I WAS IN DENIAL, I WANT A LOVING HUSBAND OR WIFE OR NB or whatever LIFE PARTNER ... ┗( T﹏T )┛
To top it off... While writing this I reconsidered my position on kids... I WANT ONE... /(T-T)
My parents really fucked up my life expectations, geez... (⊙…⊙ )
aww it's okay babe ...it was like that for me too slowly as u grow older everything slowly starts falling into it's place.