Ohhh Ines the vision that you are. I love seeing her and Carcel together.

I don't think Alicia is stupid. She just has no dignity or self respect. She looks like a decent schemer tbh. Her lack of self respect just means she assumes others lack self respect.

Rimuru created a topic of Guiding Hazard

Rereading for the one millionth time. I love this so much. I really appreciate the artist for some reason, i really notice background characters. The dressing is pretty consistent with Ines dressing. Not like some manhwa where the fl is wearing something modern and background characters are wearing something so far removed. Anyways side distraction. Going to read again

I just had a serious thought. When she dies who will handle the 1st prince's life. Like when he's been crowned king, will she keep doing this. He seems to be stupid w/o her. Like she's doing everything for him. When will he ever learn shit

Lol i bet her brother wishes she was killed as soon as she was born

Rimuru created a topic of 4 Week Lovers

Yes yes they match each other's freak like crazy

I can only praise the artist for letting the boobs look like normal boobs. Normally in smut mangas they're boobs are stiff as hell

Rimuru created a topic of Requiem for the Queen

Why can authors never let fmale mcs speak out loud. They're always monologuing especially when someone is being rude to them. This always happens especially with "strong female leads". Theyre always retaliating and answering in their heads and then a man

Rimuru created a topic of Instant Family

Okay......ass muncher. I like to see it

Rimuru created a topic of Instant Family

I was so convinced when this started that he would be super toxic and a red flag but damn was I wrong. So cute. The 2 of them are so cute

Rimuru created a topic of I Became the Lousy Side Top

I generally don't care about cliches but damn this is so annoying. I get being in a novel and thinking things will go with the plot but after everything you've changed without backlash why would it follow? Abeg I need authors to stop this. It's making the characters look a lil stupid.