I love him. I do.

ELathem like topic of Nerd Project

Next time they have sex I'll ride my tablet so that I can feel included

ELathem created a topic of Nerd Project

OMFG Andrew is so fucking adorable and my beloved Luke. He took that monster like a champ! Omg omg omfg

ELathem created a topic of Nerd Project

Ok where is this officially released? Manga so good I gotta throw money at it.

ELathem created a topic of Iā€™m going to kill you

Ah, Iā€™m invested.
Theyā€™re just too cute.

ELathem created a topic of Plaything

lol it only took a decade but heā€™s finally been throughly ā€œseducedā€ by the Duke

ELathem created a topic of ENNEAD

Seeing Seth laugh and smile and enjoy himself is killing my heart. My sweet baby

ELathem created a topic of Boss Bitch Baby

This side story is KILLING me. That is not love. It is not romantic. That is codependency. Maybe a sprinkle of Stockholmā€™s. Let this man go omfg

ELathem created a topic of Define The Relationship

I donā€™t know what it is about emotionally stunted Ukesā€¦. But I just eat it up. Karlyle my beloved

How am I just NOW finding this glorious story. Omfg I love it so much. It kinda reminds me of King Maker and Titanā€™s Bride itā€™s just so cool and I love the PGness of their interactions.

*cough cough* Is there a non PG version?

ELathem created a topic of Minmotion Syndrome

Aw bodyguard is gonna have a second baby to watch soon with all the fwop fwop fwump going on

ELathem created a topic of Bakashite Damashite

Loved it. Misunderstandings are annoying af but at least their past was explained in a way their hesitation made sense. Love this author!

I didnā€™t see the whole ā€œgroomingā€ angle until it was in my face. Then I was mad af for the uke. Yikes. Well alls well that ends well.

ELathem created a topic of Peko To Sensei

Eh. Didnā€™t like and I normally love this authorā€™s work. She always heavily plays with consent but the rape was soooooo irrelevant to the story. Sure they were using each other as a stand in, but to forgive it in the endā€¦ā€¦ I just didnā€™t like it. Neither had any redeeming qualities.

ELathem created a topic of Yonin no Nibiiro

Iā€¦ā€¦I have never rooted for an incestuous pairing in my life omfg but those dummies need each other.

I feel like Fuji and Asagi are the closest pair but theyā€™re the furthest developed when it comes to getting together.

Like I can totally see Fuji getting jealous and saying something like ā€œyouā€™re mineā€ and Asagi is likeā€¦ā€¦. ok, and then starts referring to her as his girlfriend while sheā€™s like, when did he confess? lol. Theyā€™re my favorite.

ELathem created a topic of Colorize

Man, ever since plaything, a beefy bottom with a pretty top is my bread and butter! I mean the story was just alright but the pairing was YUM

ELathem created a topic of Under the Green Light

Jin in GLASSES omfg

Iā€™m gonna miss them so much. But Iā€™m glad theyā€™re happy, and together.

ELathem created a topic of Fightless Bird

American setting, you bet your ass a gun is coming. Lmfao. Super invested in this. Never was a fan of alpha x alpha before but Iā€™m CONVERTED!