laboumm_ya created a topic of The Villainous Warrior

Bleh. The ending is honestly shit, and him suddenly being together with that woman makes absolutely no sense. He had more chemistry with the warrior than he did with her. It also feels rushed, and it killed the story for me a little.

laboumm_ya created a topic of Unromantic

Honestly juat a reversal of the omega and alpha roles. Cute read, but nothing really special.

I kinda hate how helpless the omegas in stories like this are. When are we going to get an omega who kills his abusive parents and slayqueens his way through the story? Need one of those.

I can't wait to have the next chapter translated!! The blonde girl kisses the brown haired girl, and the brown haired girl also understands Maythan didn't do anything on purpose. Also, the white haired guy finds his sister.

laboumm_ya created a topic of Frozen Boy

As I said in another spoiler, the ML was with the MC because MC with a wig reminded ML of the sister. MC obviously felt disgusted with ML because it would appear to be a weird incestous thing and he stopped talking to ML in highschool.

Fast forward to now the ML wants to get the MC to wear the wig again because he's painting his sister, and tried to seduce the ML who felt a certain type of way because of it all.

When that failed, the MC then started trying to get close to the ML's sister and started texting/flirting with her so the ML would see it and get mad. Once the ML saw it, he did go mad and went and beat up the MC. The MC however, actually set up a camera to film it all and threatened the ML that he would go to the cops if he didn't pose for his paintings of his sister (did I tell you the ML had a room full of paintings of his sister?). The MC did it, but the ML started feeling like shit because the MC would always be sour around him, and he didn't know why he felt that way.

He then forced MC to wear the sister wig and a dress, and got a boner looking at the MC dressed like that. ML felt weird, because he never felt that kind of attraction towards his sister, and ended up realizing he wants to have sex with the MC, but doesn't know why. They're setting up the storyline so that ML realizes he likes the MC because he gets sad when MC is happy with people and sad when with him and whatever, but I really can't get over how weird it feels. It's just yucky to me.

laboumm_ya created a topic of Frozen Boy

Y'all the ML is apparently into MC because MC looks like ML's dead sister. He was with him because of that in the past. Come chapter 4 they are about to fuck and the ML starts calling the MC sister. The ML is a huge asshole and the MC even told him to be more mindful of other people and to stop playing with them. He deserves more than a slap.

The plot always makes me laugh because what does the ML mean MC wasn't a replacement and ML and the blonde guy were never a thing?

We all literally read the same story of him covering up MC's eyes because they were the only part that didn't look like the blonde guy, and ML pining over the blond guy the whole time until MC died. Only reason ML even started liking MC is because he died and all the stuff MC was doing for him he couldn't do anymore, so ML realized he was a lousy piece of shit.

If ML acknowledged he was an awful person this redemption arc would feel more digestible, but with what they are doing, it just feels like everything is getting swept under the rug as if the core of the story (which is literally WHAT THE TITLE OF THE STORY IS) isn't that their relationship was one of a guy with unrequited feelings and a guy using a replacement for somebody.

All in all, rather than a redemption arc, it feels like whitewashing, and it's not cute.

laboumm_ya created a topic of Tokyo Hikari Auction

Anybody know if there are raws if the 6th chapter?

Honestly such a cute, fluffy, short read. Why can't stories like this ever be longer, but the rapist incestous shit by Im Ae-ju gets renewed for 90 chapters?

laboumm_ya created a topic of Corrosive

Yeah everybody asking for no rape is already fucked, a couple of chapters in the ml rapes the mc bloody. She makes sure to draw that it's blood coming out his ass lol what is wrong with this author in the head? Everything she does has violent rape in it. Apparently this one also has flashbacks of the mc being forced to blow his father so yeah incest rape warning as well

laboumm_ya created a topic of Formless

Chapter 11: it was the ml grabbing the mc. The author just wanted to be dramatic lol

laboumm_ya created a topic of The Pawn's Revenge

:( the following couple of chapters are going to be horrible. I feel really bad for the ml

laboumm_ya created a topic of Revenge Guide

This ends in 3 chapters and his weird, rapist, abusive and isolative behaviour all gets brushed off because he was lonely as a child and they fall in love and fuck because the mc ends up in a hospital and the ml visits him and cries. Haven't felt disgusted by a story like this in a long time.

laboumm_ya created a topic of Formless

Rapist abusive ml who raped the mc until he vomited out of disgust and they're going to love love pyon pyon in like 15 chapters yeah we need to start beating the people who romanticize this shit

This is horrible. They're literally raping and brainwashing him. Why did she have to continue this one?

CORNYYYYYYY and we really don't give a shit about the rapist magician. They could literally behead him the next panel and nobody would literally care

laboumm_ya created a topic of Uncommon Alpha

The translations are horrid

If this is not GL I'm giving it 1 star cuz men are trash and they should only be pookie with each other in BL stories!

☹ literal gangrape, the guy is literally begging them not to do it and they still do. this just makes me feel like shit im ngl

laboumm_ya created a topic of Rix Vanus

This was such a fine read, but if I knew it was going to be about mortality of human beings this much I probably wouldn't have read it. Just makes me think about how I'm gonna die one day