laboumm_ya created a topic of Every Villain Is Lemons

Betting on Peter now having to fuck Linus or something along those lines so he doesn't cooperate with Russians omg CIA agents are not this dumb! All of this would've been solved with one bullet right through the forehead.

I would ride the MC until his balls were emptier than a camila cabello concert

laboumm_ya created a topic of Perle

If anybody has read the novel of this manga, can you spoil this story for me? I'm dying to know how this is going to end.

laboumm_ya created a topic of Every Villain Is Lemons

Linus is a horrible person. Like did he seriously think anybody would go to a hotel to fuck him after he made a joke out of them in public? And like Peter said, he only called once. He obviously didn't give a shit if he made no attempts to reach out or really explain anything about their relationship to anybody. This would be different if he was clear about wanting to be in a purely physical relationship, but there was a component in it that elevated it above just sex.

I really hope they don't get back together at any point because even now, Linus doesn't care at all about what Peter feels. He is forcing him into situations he doesn't want to be in because that's what he wants, without any regard for Peter or how that will impact him. He literally put his life in danger by revealing his CIA affiliations because why not. He has not changed at all, and genuinely doesn't deserve a happy ending.

laboumm_ya created a topic of Dear Teddy Bear

The director and MC end up fucking on the day the ML opens his art show. MC still shows up but not on time, ML notices they fucked and is very noticeably pissed off. That's the latest chapter avaliable in the raws lol

laboumm_ya created a topic of Every Villain Is Lemons

People have been saying this but the MC has no backbone. If he gets back with ML he has no self-respect either. The ML let him think he was a side piece the entire time they were together and shooed him away the only time they were seen remotely close in public, all the while going out with other people (whether it was a bearding situation or not).

I get that he was in love, but if he gets to the point where he reconsiders this relationship he might as well get the word 'doormat' tattooed on his forehead.

laboumm_ya created a topic of See You, My King

So I'm guessing there's gonna be a cliffhanger and he's never gonna say anything because plot? Bleh.

This story has become so vile, nobody has any of their original personality. All morals and principles get abandoned in favor of fucking, which is WHAT THEY MADE FUN OF in the first season of the story.

I don't know is it that somebody else took over, or they just pivoted to something different, but this is such a polar opposite of what they were going with at the start (in a bad way) that reading it makes me feel disgusted.

Genuinely not even worth reading anymore. Dropped.

Reuplaod of a work under the same exact name; 2 chapters there too

This ends at chapter 73. They both recognize him, Jaewoo and the young guy get together and open a restaurant and ~kiss~, and the mobster thinks back on the time Jaewoo was with him and asks Jaewoo for forgiveness for everything and becomes a restaurant regular.

No information on what happened to the guy from Jaewoo's original world.

These last two chapters seriously killed a lot of the interest in the story for me. Nothing makes sense anymore, and their characters are completely different from their iterations in first season. The MC also doesn't actually vibe like that with anybody except for Argio, and all the other sex scenes seem creepy and weird in some way. The old MC would have never let this happen with Ben, let alone been like "hey let's go for round two". Like now it's just gross.

The story went from being a little fun comedy commentary of the ludicrosity of the yaoi genre to taking itself wayyyyyyyy too seriously and turning into the thing it was making fun of. Current rating: 1 star.

laboumm_ya created a topic of How To Raise A Victim?

An update after 5 million years, finally

laboumm_ya created a topic of Love in Orbit

Why is there two placeholders

laboumm_ya created a topic of Please no cure for me

Does anybody know where the raws are at?

laboumm_ya created a topic of The One Under The Wing

Spoiling the entire thing:

The incubus is playing a game and the prize is the most passed around street corner bop in Vice Cityyyyyyy! It's all just very standard stuff you have already seen in dozens and dozens of comics of ML rejecting MC for literally no reason whatsoever, then ML realizing he is in love but not doing anything about it aside from harassing the MC and other men MC is around. Only after almost fucking his way through a village does the ML realize he actually is in love. Wow! So cool!

Obviously, cover couple is endgame, but there is another couple. It is the purple haired guy and white skinned dark haired guy.

All in all, boring read, waste of time, but the art is cute. 2/5

laboumm_ya created a topic of See You, My King

Anybody know where the raws are at?

Changed the rating down to 1 star. Honestly Ben is a disgusting, vile piece of shit, and they're trying to give him a redemption arc by... having him rape the MC? Like what the fuck? Is the author okay in the head? Wtf.