laboumm_ya's feed

laboumm_ya created a topic of Every Villain Is Lemons

Linus is a horrible person. Like did he seriously think anybody would go to a hotel to fuck him after he made a joke out of them in public? And like Peter said, he only called once. He obviously didn't give a shit if he made no attempts to reach out or really explain anything about their relationship to anybody. This would be different if he was clear about wanting to be in a purely physical relationship, but there was a component in it that elevated it above just sex.

I really hope they don't get back together at any point because even now, Linus doesn't care at all about what Peter feels. He is forcing him into situations he doesn't want to be in because that's what he wants, without any regard for Peter or how that will impact him. He literally put his life in danger by revealing his CIA affiliations because why not. He has not changed at all, and genuinely doesn't deserve a happy ending.